"Venturia" New French Prog Metal Band

No "surrender" jokes? Anyone?

I really like the sample track. It's very cheesey in places, but in a good way. I just think it's great.

Does anyone know if/when their album is coming out or a link to their website? They used to be on the French version of Lycos, but that isn't there anymore.

I asked in the thread you linked to, but no answer there :(

Since someone here linked me to Circus Maximus, I've decided to take recommendations from people on this forum fairly seriously ;)
kazahana said:
I asked in the thread you linked to, but no answer there :(

Yes, i also have no idea, yet i think they deserve some more interest!

BTW, My home-mate receives all "Inside-Out" promo albums (for his magazine). If i get any news about their album or so, i'll write about it here. :rock: