Very crazy opportunity- not sure if want

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
So in my move to Philly i have been looking for a job. I got a response from a company i applied for (figured it was a long shot but what the hell) that is offering me a position as a talent scout. First of all, when i picture that, i picture myself in the back of a club with a cell phone saying "this kid has got it". My problem is im scheduled to meet with the director tomorrow morning. Only prob is I have work at my current job tomorrow morning and I will get in fuck tons of trouble if I dont show up.

First and foremost, i feel like its a scam. I have zero talent scout experience and they required a bachelors degree for applying. I have a high school diploma (although i did write them a very compelling letter as far as me being a musician for 8 years and an engineer).

If i got the job, that would be amazing as far as starting in the entertainment industry (I would be working on The Model Diaries NYC show (if thats even a real thing lol)). I dont think its real though. But if it is, that would be incredible although i would almost certainly lose my current job by not showing up tomorrow.


This is an idea of what I would be working for
Did they contact you and say 'meet with us at x time' instead of 'when are you next available?'? If they did the former then I personally would've said/be saying that I was unavailable and ask to reschedule for either later that day or another day. If they are legit then they will have zero problem with a reschedule.

I also wouldn't fuck my chances over with my existing employer before I know that I have another job, risks are too high especially with rent and bills involved. You should just call and reschedule the interview.
Did they contact you and say 'meet with us at x time' instead of 'when are you next available?'? If they did the former then I personally would've said/be saying that I was unavailable and ask to reschedule for either later that day or another day. If they are legit then they will have zero problem with a reschedule.

I also wouldn't fuck my chances over with my existing employer before I know that I have another job, risks are too high especially with rent and bills involved. You should just call and reschedule the interview.

"The director will also speak to you about a variety of advancement opportunities that need to be filled based upon your past experience. Once again please confirm that Wednesday, September 14th at 1:00 PM works for you; if this date or time is not convenient, I might not be able to reschedule you again for several weeks due to the television show."

I asked if we could do it ANY time thursday or friday. Waiting to hear back from them now by email. Gonna call on my lunch break
Sounds like you should get ahold of them and tell them it's not going to work and reschedule!

EDIT: I should have read more and not skimmed the last few posts....haha. Good luck, either way.
"if this date or time is not convenient, I might not be able to reschedule you again for several weeks due to the television show."

that sort of tactic has scam written all over it to me... be careful dude