

Members Only Member
Apr 1, 2008
Osceola Mills, PA
So, i finally just got a job after a couple months of not having one which sucked. I filled out like 5 apps, and got one callback. Im in central PA which is backwoods spread out middle of nowhere type shit. Anyway, the callback i got was for a fulltime produce dept job at a grocery store. yipee fucking yay. anyway, i went in to fill out paperwork yesterday, and i was hired for part time fucking meat dept!! At minimum wage!!!! oh yeah, and a i gotta wear a fucking beard guard. WTF?!!!?!!????!?!?!?!?!? on ALL levels!
I HATE touching blood. I told them that during the interview. They asked what position i wanted, and i said 'Ill tell you what i dont want...'. I listed the meat dept and overnight bullshit.
Its prob gonna cause all sorts of shit if i dont do this, but i REALLY get fucking grossed out by touching blood. I start tomorrow, i think im gonna talk to the manager about it, but he will prob tell me meat dept or no job. that just pisses me off even more. i got excited about landing a FT job, and this is what i get. ive been in a fucked up ass mood all day. can you tell?
I need a change in my life. Its been going so bad for so long, im fuckin tired of it. Id even choose death at this point. It would be alot easier. Im 28 and its only getting harder.
Really sorry to hear that dude, it must suck to be in the position of the employer having you by the balls because of how badly you need the job, and the fact that it's only part-time when you need full-time only makes it worse. Stick with it man, as long as you keep giving it your all, "even this shall pass", as my Dad is so fond of saying
Yeah kinda similar happend to me, I applied for a job at a local supermarket and didn't get it, then a month later I get a call saying they will now give me a position. I said what you said...as long as its not overnight or the meat counter, so they offered me to the checkouts where obv all the meat goes through *im a veggie*, I just get on with it but its nowhere near as harsh as what you have been asked to do! What fuckers :mad:
Don't talk like that dude! Times are tuff, but it could be worse! I know, you've heard that before, but at least you aren't starving to death in Ethiopia with HIV. But it is fucking hard to get a jorb. Go online and check out worksource. Apply for every jorb ya see and do not take no for an answer! And always have a positive attitude! Employers love that! Good luck man!
Well, I got my head on straight for now. I went back and everything is fine for now. :) I dont have to cut meat. They have me stocking shit for the meat dept. Mostly prepackaged shit from boxes. Which i can do without feeling like im gonna catch fuckin SuperAids. I just need to keep thinking of my goals and hopefully everything will be fine. Thanks for the words of encouragement guys. :headbang:

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