Very old and funny young Jonas's interview to some norwegian guy

Originally posted by elric
umm... phyre? did i miss something there? let me make something clear - yes, i am laughing at both this interview and at tragic moon whatever in the other post. i apologize profusely, but i can't read anything like that and take it seriously. no offense is meant to *true metal* or whatever it is you're going on about. yes, i'm a fan of the newer katatonia stuff. no, i'm not really a fan of kvlt/necro/whatever oldschool metal. i've got no problem with people liking it - i don't like it myself, but if you do, more power to you. however reading something like this or like moon evil there, i don't find myself going 'wow, that's hardcore :rock: ', more just hoping that no one takes all this *that* seriously. so honestly, i don't mean any offense to fans of *anything*, just when i read this sort of thing, i laugh. why? because it's funny. lighten up a bit. yes, i feel kind of bad laughing at jonas and anders, but i'd like to hope that reading this sort of interview now, they'd laugh too.

i guess best thing to say is somethin' from devin townsend (yeah, sorry, i don't sit around all day listening to mayhem) - 'and music, well its just entertainment folks...'

that interview made me fall of my chair. it was THAT funny.