Very positive review indeed!

I don't pay attention to music reviews. They can never be trusted, but it's cool people are liking the cd so far.
Wow, that's awesome review. So much in the line with Micke Åkerfeldt's comments. "Night Is The New Day" is surely going to be spectular :kickass:

I don't pay attention to music reviews. They can never be trusted, but it's cool people are liking the cd so far.

Exactly. I've read so many bad reviews. Even some where reviewer admits right off that he/she don't like this kind of music - so why the hell are you then reviewing the album?

In latest Inferno (Finnish metal mag) reviewer gave 3/5 stars to new Paradise Lost album and his main argument for not liking the album was that every second album from PL is bad. So as "In Requiem" was a good one, in his mind "Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us" can't be good. That's just stupid :yuk:
Yes but the truth has been so far that every PL release since HOST has been a bit of a let down.

When I say a let down, lets get something straight here, I would rather listen to PL over any of the chart stuff, but I would rather listen to HOST over anything PL has done since.

PL are great, but Katatonia leave them in the dust. Katatonia are supporting PL in the upcoming tour in the UK and is an insult even if I do understand why, PL do not overshadow Katatonia, as Katatonia have easily more skills in songwriting than PL any day of the week.

Not to say I don't love PL... finest PL moment:

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what happened to the night is the new day topic? its vanished completely.

Read the new sticky.
No talk about leaked stuff on this forum.

Btw. my money for the ordered swedish version also has been debited. normally on credit cards it's debited when it has been send or after. Hope it arrives fast.
Wow, that's awesome review. So much in the line with Micke Åkerfeldt's comments. "Night Is The New Day" is surely going to be spectular :kickass:

Exactly. I've read so many bad reviews. Even some where reviewer admits right off that he/she don't like this kind of music - so why the hell are you then reviewing the album?

Reviewers like that makes me want to crush cup..made of plastic. happens over here too. Anyone can be a reviewer, it's a sad and stupid job really when you just like to shout an opinion. Anyone can do that. Sadly I like the reviewers who are witty...which makes me love reviewers as much as I hate them. I would still like to make a web page with reviews of reviewers. It would have been great.

In latest Inferno (Finnish metal mag) reviewer gave 3/5 stars to new Paradise Lost album and his main argument for not liking the album was that every second album from PL is bad. So as "In Requiem" was a good one, in his mind "Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us" can't be good. That's just stupid :yuk:

hahah...that's just so utterly sad.
Even more sad is that I have a friend who finally plays in a band. He's been a reviewer for a pretty popular norwegian metal mag. He used to send me an sms every time he had slashed a Cradle Of Filth album. He's the typical old school black metal elitist. Sure, he has some good points, but his mind is pretty much closed when reviewing something he doesn't like..which is way too much. Funnily now...he's making the music in the band AngstKrieg which I posted a thread about here some months ago. I actually like his music so far...but funnily enough he's become much more open minded the last year. He's a great guy...but god damn, anyone can talk shit about something they don't like. There's a hidden point in this rant. I wish you luck in finding it. ;)
Read the new sticky.
No talk about leaked stuff on this forum.

Btw. my money for the ordered swedish version also has been debited. normally on credit cards it's debited when it has been send or after. Hope it arrives fast.

i was not aware anything leaked. but thanks for the heads up.
I don't pay attention to music reviews. They can never be trusted, but it's cool people are liking the cd so far.

I think it's a real shame you say that – and yes there are people with alternate agendas who work in the music press. But there are also people who work in it because they are passionate about promoting good music, often music that can easily be overlooked by the mainstream. The truth is journalism isn't comparatively well paid - and it takes something more than promo albums to keep people working in it; they really care about what they're doing.
It's got nothing to do with that. People's taste in music is so varied that it's almost impossible to get them to agree on anything. Heck, even The Beatles got mixed reviews when their stuff was first released. It was only much later that their material was widely considered as master works. Look at the meta score for some of the best albums today, and you'd be shocked at how low they scored considering. I don't really find many people that I consistently agree with as far as music goes. For some reason I find people are more consistent with movie, and game reviews. I still don't totally trust em, but I do find sites that I can sorta rely on. I have yet to find a music review site I trust their judgement in the slightest. Then again I don't have to rely on music reviews because I can easily listen to pretty much anything right on the internet before I buy. I know what I like, and I don't need someone to tell me what's good. I can make up my own mind.
It's got nothing to do with that. People's taste in music is so varied that it's almost impossible to get them to agree on anything. Heck, even The Beatles got mixed reviews when their stuff was first released. It was only much later that their material was widely considered as master works. Look at the meta score for some of the best albums today, and you'd be shocked at how low they scored considering. I don't really find many people that I consistently agree with as far as music goes. For some reason I find people are more consistent with movie, and game reviews. I still don't totally trust em, but I do find sites that I can sorta rely on. I have yet to find a music review site I trust their judgement in the slightest. Then again I don't have to rely on music reviews because I can easily listen to pretty much anything right on the internet before I buy. I know what I like, and I don't need someone to tell me what's good. I can make up my own mind.

Ok fair enough, I respect your stance on that.
I personally don't read reviews with the desire that they match my own opinion. They are not statements of fact are they. Even if they have the sufficient experience to know their subject matter well, it's still an individual's personal preference at that place in time - nothing more. With that in mind, no review can be 'wrong' and how can there be consistency? That's the very nature of opinion surely - a varied thing.
Conversely I'm far more cynical regarding the agendas behind film and video game reviews – where advertising for specific upcoming releases that are being reviewed plays a huge role in the success or failure of websites and magazines, with more revenue at stake compared to an album release.
But aside from that, a review can often make me investigate something further, regardless of the number score. The idea of rating a piece of art out of ten? Well that's a whole other can of worms right there…
I think this whole thing about personal taste is very confusing.

I can appreciate any good music. Whats good to me might not be good to you?

Ok I might not be a jazz fan, but Ive liked most decent metal, rock etc. I think provided its quality stuff, which undoubtably the new Katatonia album is going to be it a good thing.

Now to take the new album for what it will be and compare to say LFDGD, would be pointless,LFDGD was Kat writing at its best. (of course we can't yet cos we haven't heard it so this is an example, it maybe possible to compare it is it warrents it)

And some people say "I can't take all the synth stuff" which is gonna appear are new new album is close minded. I love RAW guitars, but I appreciate vision and direction and to remove options when you want something to go somewhere is not good.

Katatonia are their sound, but with a very different approach to direction on each album, some of which takes some getting into.

But the integrity of the band, the utter quality of every preceding album and the effort that has gone into this new album, is enough to quantify the reviews we are reading. If they were reviewing Take That or shakira, it would be obvious bullshit that I wouldn't care about anyway.

But we love Katatonia, and I have lived through all their albums and I can tell from reviews that they must have shared some of the same experiences.

Just to add one thing, I appreciate Katatonias feeling with regards to the leaks of the songs. What is funny though is that I bet all their fans buy the albums, its the Take That fans who don't give a shit about quality, or care to support their fav bad. But Katatonia can't be seen to condone it.

But they have my money anyway, probably spending it right now! Thats cool.
@Black: Consistency that coincides with my own personal tastes. To me reviews are only helpful for when I'm not quite sold on the product, and have no way of experiencing it other than going out, and spending hard earned cash on it. That's why I look for reviewers that have similar tastes as I do. Another thing is it's a lot harder to describe music than say a movie or a game, and often times they come across as extremely contrived. Of course anything that deals with money, and major funding has the tendency to be biased. That's exactly why it's important you know your sources. Lastly yes, the number scoring system is quite silly, but people still use it.
Now to take the new album for what it will be and compare to say LFDGD, would be pointless,LFDGD was Kat writing at its best. (of course we can't yet cos we haven't heard it so this is an example, it maybe possible to compare it is it warrents it).

And just to prove how impossible it is to get people to totally agree on music can be shown right here. Granted, I did not become a fan of Katatonia until THE GREAT COLD DISTANCE but if I would have heard LAST FAIR DEAL GONE DOWN or even VIVA EMPTINESS first, then I guarantee that I would not be here right now. The most important element in any band I listen to is the vocals. If I am not feeling the vocals in a band then the band as a whole loses my attention.

Just one example? Novembre. I think musically, they are even better than Katatonia. However, their vocalist is nowhere near as good a vocalist as Jonas is, thus Katatonia comes out on top. But Jonas just became appealing to me on TGCD. He is now doing something different with his vocals than he did on all their previous albums and it works extremely well. He uses a much more soothing/layered vocal style and uses the melisma techniques more and it made his vocals improve infinitely more than they used to be. After hearing the masterpiece TGCD, I went back and checked out LFDGD hoping to hear these same amazing vocals and they were sadly nowhere to be found. He improved slightly on VE but still nowhere near as amazing as he is today. And for me, from the songs I have heard thus far from NIGHT IS THE NEW DAY, I can safely say that NITND will possibly surpass TGCD but I can guarantee it will easily slaughter anything else that Katatonia has already made previously. In fact it already has just with the 4 songs I have heard.

Five years ago I would have laughed my ass off if someone would have told me that the Cookie Monster vocals band I had heard several years earlier would now be making such beautifully melodic and soothing rock music as they now make today (and actually become one of my top favorite bands with just one album). TGCD blew me away and I couldn't get enough of that material. I am thrilled to hear that they are keeping that overall style and just expanding upon it on NITND. So yes, in my opinion, TGCD and NITND stand alone and far above anything else that Katatonia has ever made before.