VH/Dokken/Scorps/$immon$/Tesla #'s


This from melodicrock.com, it's really sad when some of these bands aren't moving very many copies. I think the most pathetic figures are for the Scorpions... Read the footnote next to the numbers...
There have been several major melodic rock titles released in the USA over the past few weeks and months. I though now would be a good time to get an update on their sales progress.
The following numbers are the Nielson SoundScan US sales details, the official company that reports numbers that represent the Billboard Top 200 etc. Included are a few individual comments from my US label buddy who supplied the numbers. Take note that these are US numbers only.
Survivor - Ultimate Survivor - 1705 units. (From two weeks of sales)[Not a huge number, but to put it in perspective, Essential Toto only sold 900 combined for its first two weeks, and Ultimate Alan Parsons Project only sold 600 in its first two weeks combined. For this sort of catalogue album, where there's no real marketing push, 1705 is pretty good, and it'll keep selling forever.]
Van Halen - Best Of Both Worlds - 138,284 units (From one week of sales).
Rick Springfield - Shock Denial Anger Acceptance - 26,553 units (Total so far).
Dokken - Hell To Pay - 5625 units (From two weeks of sales).
Tesla - Into The Now - 114,778 units.
Velvet Revolver - Contraband - 707,832 units (From 7 weeks of sales).
Brides Of Destruction - Here Come The Brides - 36,781 units.
Scorpions - Unbreakable - 12,894 units [Strangely, this album is doing considerably worse than Eye II Eye did. Possibly because Mysterious from EIIE actually got some airplay.]
Heart - Jupiter's Darling - 39,167 units.
Gene Simmons - Asshole - 25,082 units.
Hahaha.... Dokken has only sold 5625 copies of the new album!! They were my favorite hair band but it looks like the rest of the world agrees with me.... time to shut it down! It's pointless without Lynch. in the band.

The sales of the new Tesla are pretty impressive. I've been hearing a song on the radio at work... can't remember the title now.
Man, that is pitiful for the Scorps. Some of these bands should concentrate all of their effort into one more good album and then quit. At least that way they can end on a somewhat high note. Dokken and the Scorpions just keep sliding farther down with no end in sight.

BTW, I have purchased neither of them.
Psychonaut said:
Man, that is pitiful for the Scorps. Some of these bands should concentrate all of their effort into one more good album and then quit. At least that way they can end on a somewhat high note. Dokken and the Scorpions just keep sliding farther down with no end in sight.

BTW, I have purchased neither of them.
I haven't heard the new Dokken disc, but I would suggest you pick up a used copy of the Scorpions disc. It's a step in the right direction, the only weak tracks are the ballads, theres' some pretty good stuff on there. But they chose to record Eye II Eye & doe nothing but compilations & the fans turned on them. The Tesla disc is one of the worst things I have heard in a while. Their dierction is too far from what they were doing in the past, in a sense their "Eye II Eye." Put a fork in 'em they are done. Without Lynch there isn't much of a point for Dokken to continue, but I guess Don thinks otherwise...
That toupee wearing, granny faced load!!!!:tickled:
It's sad to me that people are buying the Velvet Revolver cd. I would crank Rick Springfield, Toto, or Survivor for hours on end while doing my own dental work and shaving my balls with a hacksaw before I'd sit and listen to a VR song. I don't know what it is because I liked STP and LOVED GNR but somehow the thought of them together sickens me and makes me want to have the soft poopoo. Could be the way SLASH was crying like a BIIIIIOTCH on VH1 BTM about Axl hurting his feelings and all that....i dunno...just my opinion...and again, I like Lyle Lovett, so don't take my word for it....
The problem is that the creative well runs dry for bands that get popular. Is it their fault ? Yes and no. You have your whole life to write your first release and a year or two to write your next. Once you become big, the passion of writing becomes distant and the popularity removes some of the hunger.
It's tough on bands to be able to keep that edge, but that is what seperates the good from the greats. You have to be able to progress without ignoring the date that took you to the dance.

Bryant said:
The problem is that the creative well runs dry for bands that get popular. Is it their fault ? Yes and no. You have your whole life to write your first release and a year or two to write your next. Once you become big, the passion of writing becomes distant and the popularity removes some of the hunger.
I think bands shouldn't hurry their releases, they should take their time concentrating on the new songs, one album every 2 or 3 years is enough IMO.
But of course that's not what labels want...
tedvanfrehley said:
It's sad to me that people are buying the Velvet Revolver cd. I would crank Rick Springfield, Toto, or Survivor for hours on end while doing my own dental work and shaving my balls with a hacksaw before I'd sit and listen to a VR song. I don't know what it is because I liked STP and LOVED GNR but somehow the thought of them together sickens me and makes me want to have the soft poopoo. Could be the way SLASH was crying like a BIIIIIOTCH on VH1 BTM about Axl hurting his feelings and all that....i dunno...just my opinion...and again, I like Lyle Lovett, so don't take my word for it....
Fuck Lyle Lovett!!! Wasn't he in the Legend of Sleepy Hollow?! Anyway, I think the reason this record has sold as well, as it has, is because people were curious. Me being one of them, then I promptly dumped it! Have you heard the record TVF? I had my doubts of how Weiland would gel with the band. There is no chemistry at all. The record falls short & flat. I don't think if they make it to a second record, that it would go gold like this one, so far. There were a couple good singers that auditioned, Joshua Todd & Bach. Wat was wrong with either of thos two?! They would have been a hit!!!!!
I guess they know something I don't.
P.S. I was just bustin' your balls for your love of Lovett's music!
Bryant said:
You have your whole life to write your first release and a year or two to write your next. Once you become big, the passion of writing becomes distant and the popularity removes some of the hunger.
I think Gene Simmons said this? You been reading up on Gene Simmons, Bryant?! Anyway, this correct. Prime examples of this are, Cinderella & Buchcherry, their first records are untouchable, killer, well written, solid &
full of fury. Then? Well you know.
well I bought the Scorpions "Unbreakable" (looooooong time Scorps fan!) and it's been played twice. After months and months of them saying they were going to release another album like "Blackout" hearing the latest release was an extreme disappointment. Tesla's "Into the now" isn't bad, it sounds like Tesla always has solid rock and bluesy. Good for Tommy he entered rehab, just bad timing he did it mid-tour. Not the best way to do a comeback after 10 years. Dokken I'm passing on cuz I saw em live last year and he just doesn't have it anymore. After listening to a phenomenal album like Tad Morose's Modus Vivendi, I've become spoiled!