VH, Scorps, Tesla & Keith Emerson?!


First of all, I enjoyed the VH show with Hagar, I missed the opening band, I arrived late, but didn't much care. Hagar sounds as he did the last time I saw him with Van Halen. For me that was back in '88, on the Mosters tour with Metallica, Scorpions, Dokken & Kingdom Come. It was at the Kingdom in Seattle which has since been implodede. Michael Anthony sounds great, unfortunatley he still does that god awful , bass solo, shame of you! Alex still has chops & Eddie, was a tad bit sloppy. From what I had been reading on various sites, ther guy hasn't been real sharp on this tour... Damn shame.
I went to check out the Scorps with Tesla, they had Keith Emerson opening for them. What an odd opening choice huh? He was playing all this aci-rock meets progressive rock with a touch of jazz fusion... Imagine that. It wasn't bad, but I wasn't overly impressed. I guess it's kinda like when people refer to peopel like Yngwie as "wanking." Tesla sound great, they are tight & they put on one hell of a show. They did play three numbers off the Into the Now record, which was too many, they did play for a little over an hour & crammed as many tracks as they could into that hour. It was choice Tesla. The last time I saw Tesla was in '90, when they opened for Motley. At that time, Jeff Keith & Tommy Skeoch were so faced & sloppy that they got pretty damn close to getting yanked from the stage. It ended with Tommy clapsing on the stage & getting dragged off by a roadie... Not the case this time around, they kicked ass. The Scorpions?
This being the 4th time seeing them, the first being back in '88(see VH), then, '90, '98 & now in '04. Thought their bass players & drummers have changed, the core line up remains intact. Klaus & Rudolph are amazing performers, they always put on a show & always sound excellent.
My jaw hit the filthy floor of the arena, when I heard Klaus. How could this guy not lose an ounce of his singing ability? He sounds like he did in '88!
Good for him. Anyway, like with Tesla, the Scops put on a hell of a show too. They played four tracks off the new record, I love the new record, unfortunately I could have lived with only hearing one of the tracks live & more "hits." This was the second show of the tour, so if both bands are this tight right now, they can only get better as the tour rolls on....
I was going to go to that, but I would have had to pay $38 for shit seats. No big deal, I'm saving my money for Slayer, Metal Church, and Deth.

Glad to know you enjoyed yourself, Sixx.
I can't wait till the East Coast dates are announced. I am not a fan of Keith Emerson or anything but I respect the guy and guess it would be cool to see him live. I saw Tesla back in May at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ and it was an awesome night. Very tight and they tore the house down though they did alot more than 3 songs off the new album lol, so hearing three this time shouldn't be too bad for me. I am dying to see the Scorps. Have never seen them before and they are one of my favorite bands. Did they by any chance play "Rhythm of Love" from Savage Amusement? I love that song.
To me Keith Emerson would have been the only valuable reason to go to such a mix-up.
Jean-Pierre said:
I was going to go to that, but I would have had to pay $38 for shit seats. No big deal, I'm saving my money for Slayer, Metal Church, and Deth.

Glad to know you enjoyed yourself, Sixx.
Going to "Arena" shows is insane anymore.
I spent $90.75 for (2)tickets, $10.00 for parking & misc items where obviously more...i.e. shirt, disc,ect.
That was just for the Scorps.
I remember paying to see them in '88 & the cost of the ticket was $18.50!!!!
Parking then was like $4.00!!!!!
Thanks Clear Channel, House of Blues & all the other concert promoters...:loco:
TheGraveDigger said:
I can't wait till the East Coast dates are announced. I am not a fan of Keith Emerson or anything but I respect the guy and guess it would be cool to see him live. I saw Tesla back in May at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ and it was an awesome night. Very tight and they tore the house down though they did alot more than 3 songs off the new album lol, so hearing three this time shouldn't be too bad for me. I am dying to see the Scorps. Have never seen them before and they are one of my favorite bands. Did they by any chance play "Rhythm of Love" from Savage Amusement? I love that song.
Nothing from Savage. They played two from Crazy World, Tease Me & Wind.
The rest was from pre-Savage era. Love Drive to 1st Sting, of course the new stuff. Killer version of The Zoo! You'll love the Tesla set, they start off with I just Wanna Make Love to You & then shift into Signs. I was like WTF?! Really cool the way they did that. No frills rock 'n roll by probably the best American Rock band of the late 80's.
sixxswine said:
I remember paying to see them in '88 & the cost of the ticket was $18.50!!!!

Too bad for me, I was two years old back then.

I've always told myself that I should've been the age I am now in 1984.:lol:
sixxswine said:
It was Emerson from ELP. Like I said, I'm no fan & wouldn't see the guy if he were the headliner. He "might" be able to fill a phone booth somewhere...
In here easily 500 people to see him, as for the others we might get 200 if we put them together in front of a bus stop and charge the ticket at $5 :lol:
sixxswine said:
You are a bad man!:tickled:
I know, that's why we get along so well you and me ;)

Actually Scorpions will be a good hit here (I guess). But Keith Emerson will definitively will get a deal, there's a huge prog fan base in the country with money to spend. ELP played twice in two consecutive days and they sold out the theater. Also when Wakeman the place was packed from bottom (and was damn expensive at the time, I know I bought two tickets, one for the damn @$!&!^% I was dating at the time) to the top floor. Yes got like 1500 or so when they came, Camel around 500 (was a small venue and not very advertised).
I'm jealous!

Maybe if Ed gets back on the sauce...like full on....it will impair his judgement enough to call up DAVE and get him back in the band full time. Hell, maybe then Dave could put some blow up Edward's nose and THEN WE'D HAVE A BALLGAME, BABY!

I can dream, can't I?
tedvanfrehley said:
I'm jealous!

Maybe if Ed gets back on the sauce...like full on....it will impair his judgement enough to call up DAVE and get him back in the band full time. I can dream, can't I?
See VH News thread...
He's faced again...
I don't think Dave would come back, I hope not.
have some god damn pride DLR, you're done & so is Van Halen, if Hagar is out again...