VH1's Worst Metal Songs...


Jul 24, 2002
Isn't it rather ironic and sad that VH1 is running a program right now about the most "awesomely bad" metal songs? They tell you at each commercial break to go check out Vh1 to vote for the worst video, worst headbanging, etc etc....yeah, go to Vh1.com right now, and you'll see that on it's front page it touts the new Blink-182, Ciara, and Wynton Marsalis songs. I mean, who better to decide what the best and worst metal is, right?

As per usual, the people they have making the comments for each song are commedians, actors/actresses, in other words, people who basically don't know or like much metal and love nothing more than to make more fun of it. Scott Ian and Rikki Rachtman are on it as well, and to their credit, they openly stated that they disagreed with some of the selections on here.

Plus, of course, about 95% of what's on the list doesn't really qualify as "metal" to most metal fans anyhow.

Why do I care? Ultimately I don't care much except that it just further tries to mis-inform the masses as to what metal is, and what's so awful about it. The idea that I walk down the street and have long hair and a leather jacket and a good majority of folks are going to look at me and think that I have anything to do with the crap that Vh1 tries to tout as being metal does irk me a bit, sorry. The constant bit touted over and over again on the program about how metal is all about drugs, sex, and satan and being careless and not having any intelligent feelings or commentary, is absolutely insulting. But again, when Vh1 is trying to base their whole show and commentary on bands like Britney Fox and Poison, I guess that's what you should expect. I just wish there were some way or outlet to inform the masses that there's more to metal than just that, and that in fact plenty of metalheads are quite intelligent and civilized beings after all.

P.S. There is nothing wrong with Loudness! NOTHING!! Fuck you Vh1 LOL
AND, let me add, that Don Kaye's comment about "Keyboards have no place in metal" is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. There've been many many awesome bands with awesome keyboards in metal, going all the way back to Deep Purple and the magnificent Jon Lord.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
The constant bit touted over and over again on the program about how metal is all about drugs, sex, and satan and being careless and not having any intelligent feelings or commentary, is absolutely insulting.
P.S. There is nothing wrong with Loudness! NOTHING!! Fuck you Vh1 LOL
You mean metal isn't all about drugs, sex, and satan?!?!?!?!!? Dude then why the hell am I metal? I've been misinformed and im gonna write a letter to someone. Larry brings up some good points though, most of the bands that they claim to be metal are so horrible that it gives actual good metal a bad name.

P.S. I thought it was Roudness.
BlackwaterNymph said:
Ha ...I caught part of it on my lunchbreak today. I recall seeing Creed and Insane Clown Posse. They should be on more "worst of" lists.

Creed and ICP? Shouldnt those bands be on the "worst church and wigger clown-core songs" list?
Its just sickening to me that the mainstream media has NO IDEA WHATSOEVER that these bands are NOT metal.
And the retarded, easily led fucktards that watch this nonsesnse equate shows like this as documentary. Its gettin to be ri-god-damn-diculous! DIE!!!!!!!!!
Usurper Dan said:
Creed and ICP? Shouldnt those bands be on the "worst church and wigger clown-core songs" list?
Its just sickening to me that the mainstream media has NO IDEA WHATSOEVER that these bands are NOT metal.
And the retarded, easily led fucktards that watch this nonsesnse equate shows like this as documentary. Its gettin to be ri-god-damn-diculous! DIE!!!!!!!!!
Agreed. When I turned it on, Marylin Manson was up. :ill: I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
Stryper had really good players in the band, but their message was way too forced and cheesy and I couldn't deal with Michael Sweet's pseudo-Dennis DeYoung from Styx vocals. Some great guitar solos now and then, however....

Ever notice that on any of the "best of" or "worst of" lists they do on Vh1, the people who make all the comments and offer their "expert" opinions generally look like they were extras on the set of "Revenge of the Nerds"? I'd like to know what exactly prompted producers to decide that these people's opinions mattered? Oh I know, because they're comedians and journalists mostly, and we all know what incredibly witty intelligent banter they can all come up with.....pffft! How the fuck does Creed, ICP and Iron Maiden all fit together under the banner of "metal" in their book? Metal has many different styles I know but I never considered ICP and Creed to be metal.

And "Stars" by Hear N Aid deserves more respect for a.) featuring Ronnie Dio, Paul Shortino, Rob Halford and Geoff Tate all singing together for once, and b.) for featuring some of the best lead guitarists in metal playing together.
Billy Steele said:
At least Stryper had a spot on there. Though they're not awesomely bad, they're just fucking awful.

There are a couple songs off To Hell With The Devil that are ok:
  • To Hell With The Devil
  • Free

What burnst my ass was that some idiots voted Rammstein as the Most Awesomely Bad Non-English Speaking Metal Band. In the words of Paul Teutul, Sr.: "What the hell?!" Rammstein Rocks! :headbang: They got the balls to sing in their native tongue.
Well, in light of the successes experienced by Korn and Slipknot, the genre tag "metal" has regained its ability to move units. So now they use it whenever a "heavy" guitar part's audible. Mind you, I used quotation marks to stress how loose the standards are. Things that would've been called "alternative" ten years ago are now "metal." And in regards to the deeper past, there's seemingly an attempt to streamline things and call all "hard rock" by the same moniker.

As for VH-1, that's the station who ran "I Love the 90's" this year. The stuff appeals to that 18-39 demographic so they run with it. If the station wants to appeal to a marketable group, I personally don't expect them to go outside the standard knowledge base. It'd be nice if they did but it's a commercial venture and it's a hell of a lot easier to hold the attention of the average viewer with something that actively stereotypes in a snarky tone. Even someone like my sister-in-law who's kinda open to "real" metal wouldn't last long if they got talking about that dude from Stratovarius.
For Stryper, I can't deny they had good guitars at times, as they definitely had skills there, it's just that the message they were pushing made me that much intolerant of them.

I try not to even bother with the MTVs or with VH1 anymore. Uranium on Fuse actually shows real metal (Nile, Amon Amarth, Goatwhore, Akercocke, Type O, Moonspell, etc) whereas, from what I've seen, MTV2 shows 'metal' when it's just usually hardcore/metalcore. It wouldn't be so bad if they actually tried to make things more diverse as they did show Deicide's newest music video, but they're just for the most part forcing the 'cores' down our throats just like they do everything else. For me, it's either Fuse or I'll just put on the Hard Attack station on Sirius Satellite.
Billy Steele said:
MTV2 shows metal when it's just usually hardcore/metalcore.

I take it you're referring to Headbanger's Ball. I watch that more than Uranium. Every time I've seen Uranium lately, it's a re-run. When I do watch it thought, I find myself focusing on Juliya.
Aye, I was referring to HB. No offense to any fans, but I think that there could have been a better host than Jasta. Rerun or no, I'd still watch Uranium. #1, there's Juliya. #2, I want to see Amon Amarth and Moonspell in the reruns. #3, they don't play as much hardcore as MTV2.
I generally don't have a problem with Jamey Jasta. He at least has some credibility and it's amazing that MTV had enough sense to get someone like him to host and not some complete idiot VJ. He does show alot of his friends bands and stuff, but then again, most people would probably do the same thing in his position. Some of us, like myself, cannot watch Uranium because we can't get that channel here, so we're left with Mtv2. I must be the only person who doesn't drool over Juliya, and I've met her several times too. She's not horrible or anything, I just don't have an attraction to her *shrug* But yeah, any show that features bands like Moonspell is okay in my book, I wish I could see it now and then.
I missed the Moonspell episode, and have been recording Uranium every day to catch it, for the past several months. I see the same 20 episodes ALL the time. It's pissing me off.

Unlike Larry, I find Juliya most attractive, and would give up toes for some of that. :)
I wasn't really referring to Rikki Rachtman with my comment, just more to the effect that MTV would've been more likely to get some idiot who doesn't know metal, but surprisingly they made a decent choice. Jamey has personality and if I had any complaint really, I just wish he could have more opportunity to be more of a smart ass in his interviews and have more relaxed, funny segments with his guests. The recent episode with Cradle of Filth is a good example. I wish they had actually had more of the interview segements aired because I know those guys had to have been saying some funny shit, they're quite the commedians.

I'm one of the few people who never really minded Rikki as a host. I knew well enough that he had little to no control over what was played on the original show. But of course he bore the brunt of people's frustrations with the shows inadequacies. I actually used to really enjoy watching the original Headbanger's Ball, and while most people complained about the overabundance of glam or hard rock bands played on there, I didn't really have any major complaints until the early 90's when a typical episode featured videos by Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, and a host of other grunge era bands......mind you, I enjoy many of those bands, but they were already played ad nauseum all day long on the channel, and they didn't belong on Headbanger's Ball (excepting Alice In Chains and Soundgarden, who I considered to be somewhat metal but again, they were already in heavy rotation as it was).