VH1's Worst Metal Songs...

I actually managed to record the Moonspell episode as well as the Type O episode; I just don't remember where the damn tape is now... The only reason I get the Fuse network is because I have the Dish, and the Moonspell episode with the Everything Invaded music video kinda made it all worthwhile. :grin: I digress.

I was initially surprised as well that Jasta was the host, as I was also expecting some deuchbag to be hosting wearing Hilfinger junk. I do remember hearing about the Cradle episode, as I saw them play in Philly the night they did the interview. Well, they did the interview in the morning fresh from the plane to the States, then they drove to the Electric Factory in Philly and I met up with James and David at around 2am after the show. Suffice to say they were dead tired, but I did get pics with them. I also got to tell Dave that Sammy from Goatwhore says he's a bitch...Sammy told me to say that two weeks prior, lol. They really do seem pretty amusing. Anyway, as for Juliya, any chick who's totally into Akercocke and loves metal is a chick I would trade my kingdom for...I would SO be getting the better deal in that trade.
Anyway, as for Juliya, any chick who's totally into Akercocke and loves metal is a chick I would trade my kingdom for...I would SO be getting the better deal in that trade.
Juliya does nothing for me. I honestly found the three or four bits of her's I've seen kind of annoying. Besides that, I don't need a distant fantasy girl. MY fiancee likes Agalloch, Root, Arcturus, Strapping Young Lad etc. so HA!
Distant fantasy girl? My ex-GF was like your fiancee too; she had her own metal radio show, she's possibly working in a project with a former Anathema member, and was into bands from Darkthrone to Akercocke to Paradise Lost.
Not to mention that "Rock Soildiers" was in that list. Watching John Regan pump his fist in the air makes me think that it should have been a lot closer to Ace's face, considering the money that he was owed (and never saw, to my knowledge) later on. Can you picture those two on Celebrity Deathmatch? Ace: I've got to stop and snort a line. I can't fight like this. John: BAM! He knocks Ace into the "space world" that he's always wanted to be in. Then George Sewitt pays him, and throws in a bonus for doing something I'm sure he'd like to have done to Ace many a time.
Ace Frehley was my hero while growing up, and now he's fucked. He fucked up and got hooked on drugs and drink and left the band in the early 80s. Okay that was excuseable, considering everyone has to learn the hard way I guess and the band wasn't exactly at the height of their success anymore. But then he gets the reunion tour, makes millions more, basically gets a second lease on life, and throws it away again because he's just an eternal fuck-up. I go see Kiss now, and they have Tommy Thayer performing in Ace's place with the makeup and I say GOOD!! At least Tommy is a fan and plays the role with the care and dedication of someone who respects what he's been given. I still love the classic Ace, but I guess I view that as being more like a fictional character, and I try not to associate the classic Ace with the drooling, sloppy person that Ace has become now.
Also, I will add, I met John Regan back in 1994 at a convention and he was very nice. He's played with people like Peter Frampton and the Stones, and has my respect as a competent musician. I'm sorry he even had to deal with that whole Frehley's Comet debacle.
kleo706 said:
Juliya does nothing for me. I honestly found the three or four bits of her's I've seen kind of annoying. Besides that, I don't need a distant fantasy girl. MY fiancee likes Agalloch, Root, Arcturus, Strapping Young Lad etc. so HA!

I never said I wanted her for her conversation. hahaha

AGALLOCH? Sheesh. Here I thought your woman had taste. :loco:

Juliya does come off annoying. If she kept her mouth shut... Well... kept words from coming out of it... or at least muffled... She would work out just fine.

I kid, I kid...
I second Paul. Some women are meant for dating, some aren't. Juliya would just be a carnal thing, though I hope that the way she is in real life is somehow different (ie. very cool and calm) than what she's like on camera.
She's got really nice tits, I got to stare at her cleavage for a really long time when we played that one metal fest on the east cast that she was at filming. I also got to be on her show with some of the other Doom guys :rock:
Billy Steele said:
A VH-1 is a pseudo-'music' television station ran by a slew of 'smart' old men who 'know' music. See also "MTV".

To augment your statement, when it started, VH1 was originally "MTV for the not-so-hip." Now it's more about series'', like MTV. MTV2, however, is still mostly music videos, and you can watch VH1 Classic for the classic stuff from the 60s to the 90s. And then there's of course Fuse, which has the latest of everthing.
That she does have a nice set. I'll have to go back and try to catch the episode with you guys in it. I doubt I'll get to see you onstage going :dopey: but it would have been funny to see that. They just showed the NJ Metalfest one last night with Dimmu, Superjoint, and Devildriver, so hopefully it won't be long.
Actually to clarify Vito's comment about us being on it, they showed us standing in the crowd of people behind her for all of about three seconds lol They didn't actually feature Novembers Doom on there. I don't think she or her producers would deem ND to be "important" enough of a band to feature us....not yet, anyhow. We'll see what the future holds.
Anyhow just wanted to clarify that so you didn't sit there waiting to see an episode that doesn't exist lol You can however look and see if you can find Vito jumping up and down like a deranged monkey in front of the camera with his Novembers Doom hoodie on, it lasts only a couple of seconds but it's good comedy haha
That's a challenge I'll take up, even if for comedy's sake, lol. I wouldn't take offense if I were you guys for them not showing ND yet as I've not even seen a Paradise Lost or a HIM music video. I'm glad they show metal and that they do help in the scene, but I think that they've yet to actually realize what effect they could have if they were to play more varied stuff.

I should add that Uranium hasn't been around for that long and I'm sure that they're going to hit some more obscure stuff at some point in time. I mean, they're only so much "chugga chug chug cha chugga chug chug" metalcore they can fit into a half-hour until it gets boring or until they really need something else.
Well Paul, Agalloch holds a lot of personal significance the nature of which even I know better than to go into on a message board.
But yeah to get back on topic... I only watch Uranium On Demand. That way, I can fast forward through her speaking parts.
kleo706 said:
Well Paul, Agalloch holds a lot of personal significance the nature of which even I know better than to go into on a message board.
But yeah to get back on topic... I only watch Uranium On Demand. That way, I can fast forward through her speaking parts.
I'm quite sure Paul was completely kidding in regards to his Agalloch comment. Paul likes them alot, plus they're label mates and touring mates, 'nuff said. Paul just likes to be a wise ass.:Spin:
Dear Paul and Larry,

Well, duh!


p. s. We opted to not invite you to the wedding but we still need a bandfor my bar mitzvah...
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Actually to clarify Vito's comment about us being on it, they showed us standing in the crowd of people behind her for all of about three seconds lol They didn't actually feature Novembers Doom on there. I don't think she or her producers would deem ND to be "important" enough of a band to feature us....not yet, anyhow. We'll see what the future holds.
Anyhow just wanted to clarify that so you didn't sit there waiting to see an episode that doesn't exist lol You can however look and see if you can find Vito jumping up and down like a deranged monkey in front of the camera with his Novembers Doom hoodie on, it lasts only a couple of seconds but it's good comedy haha
Yeah I look like a complete idiot on that episode, but it was only for a couple of seconds. Just be grateful you don't see me on the weekends when I'm really loud and obnoxious hahaha. That makes for some great comedy.