HAIL! Ultimate Metal forum frequenters! I trust the Blood of your enemies flows freely!!!
I have been away from the Metal scene for almost the whole dam year! Kept busy by life, women and work. And none in a good way, And I require aid! TO make this intro more interesting Please tell me, Whats the best album released this year in your opinion? And if your feeling really Nice, Tell me the name of a band who are as HEAVY as Kalmah, but with vocals as melodic as say, Kamelot? DO such a band exist!?
I've just found Kalmah's 12 Gauge. My ears feel better already.
In the mean time it is a pleasure for me to be here. May your ears bleed and your teeth shake in your skulls from the power of metal Brothers and sisters!
I have been away from the Metal scene for almost the whole dam year! Kept busy by life, women and work. And none in a good way, And I require aid! TO make this intro more interesting Please tell me, Whats the best album released this year in your opinion? And if your feeling really Nice, Tell me the name of a band who are as HEAVY as Kalmah, but with vocals as melodic as say, Kamelot? DO such a band exist!?
I've just found Kalmah's 12 Gauge. My ears feel better already.
In the mean time it is a pleasure for me to be here. May your ears bleed and your teeth shake in your skulls from the power of metal Brothers and sisters!