Victorious March


In Thor we trust
Mar 21, 2003
I am done tabbing Victorious March if anyone as guitar pro i can send it to them (via e-mail)so they can listen... One thing tho is that i didnt tab the song with the latest version of guitar pro so im not sure if it will work.I can send the tab either in version 4.0 or 3.0 so tell me wich ever you have.If any of you want to give it a try plz feel free to e-mail me! (Or put your e-mail in this thread).

I didnt tab the solo and i know they are a few errors here and there but still its better then alot of the tabs i have seen on the net!I can also send a sound file so u can listen to the tab but u wont have the actual tab,the sound file is only 30k and is in MIDI Format.Any computer should be able to play that...
North Sea Stormrider said:
you actually finished it all? SWEET! I haven't been able to get past the intro. :erk:

Yeah but i already had the song tab on "notepad" about 90% the only difference now is that u can listen to it to see out it actually sound without even learning it because it is done with guitarpro. Most of the Victorious march on the net u see on various website were donne by me... its all the same tab...
Man i dont have access to computer yet.. :( Sorry if it takes time ill try to send it to you all in the next couple of days,i have 2 pc but the file is only on 1 and this particular pc is got password protect for a reason i dont know of... i need to see owner (of that PC)before i can send the d*mn file :/
ASSASSIN651 said:
Thanks Pyaemia, I just got it, its pretty accurate great job!

Thx alot :) Feel very to modify any riff with errors! If u change anything or add anything u can send it back at my e-mail if u want to!