Video: Crazy Moshers @ Ozzfest

I finally got to see the vid. I hope that bald dude in the middle got fucking trampled. Those are the fucks I am talking about. "MACHO" that will stand in the middle of a pit with that "I hate everything" look on their face as if trying to prove something. Fucking fags.
Funnily enough, there wasn't much moshing at the Opeth concert I went to. The tempo changes and style changes were so frequent that once a pit REALLY got started, they had nothing to mosh to for a couple of minutes, and it would die down.

Moshing is fun, when you don't care about the band as much... but for true favorites of mine, I want to see the full thing... stupid, I know, lol... but yeah.
I still don't see why beating the shit out of each other via full body blocks is fun. Sounds like fucking stupidity to me.

Who gives a shit about what I think anyway?