VIDEO: me playing Silent night bodom night on guitar


the guitar pro tab, when i downloaded it was on 142BPM

i put it on 135BPM... it seemed the right speed in the solo, but i agree it seemed to feel slower in the rhythm parts of the song

but yeah, notching it up that extra 7 bpm would have made it too scrappy, with not THAT Much noticable gain... learning this solo has made me faster though, and helped raise my average speed... so hopefully next time it will be great

Next time i might do towards dead end i think.

Im not sure of the actual speed of kissing the shadows either, any ideas?
j0tun said:
Alexi is also doing vocals at the same time as those leads. But I actually kind of agree with you. The "new" Alexi plays sloppier than old Alexi. Nowadays he wears his guitar so low and it also seems he doesn't care as much to play perfect as he used to. Oh well.
BTW Friday how much did you decrease the speed (bpm) of Kissing The Shadows. It felt a bit slower than normal speed, but I actually respect and applaud you for doing that because you are staying within your limits instead of making it a slopfest.
alexi isnt sloppier now...he can rip on guitar pretty nicely...look at old concert in seoul for instance...he plays extremely sloppy in that concert..he plays pretty fast and pretty damn clean most all the time now it seems
Nice job fridaY13th :)

That's really good for only working on kissing the shadows for a few days, i used atleast two weeks to get the sweeping up to speed.
Guess i'll have to buy a webcam and try recording some stuff myself.
And am i the only one using my pinky on the lead part in kissing the shadows? (around 46-50)

I've always tried using my pinky when ever i can use it, due to having trigger finger. (fucking curse.)
Nice update with KTS, awesome stuff.

Just out of curiousity, where do you guitar people get those clips that have all the background instruments but no vocals? Is there like a site/program you people use to get those things?

Also, what would it take to hear some Towards Dead End? ;)
Scott W said:
Nice update with KTS, awesome stuff.

Just out of curiousity, where do you guitar people get those clips that have all the background instruments but no vocals? Is there like a site/program you people use to get those things?

Also, what would it take to hear some Towards Dead End? ;)

Yeah, i want to hear TDE too!!! The program they use is called guitar pro. A free demo can be found on their website and you can download gp tabs from There you will probably find almost every bodom song
fridaY13th said:
hi, they are the default ibanez RG 1550 pickups, no idea what they are :D
I was gonna change the pickups from my RG too.. I can't afford new pickups.. or not yet anyway.. sounds cool ...anyways your sweeps are excellent man.. so clean.. I practice sweeps so fucking much it's fucked up lol.. but still dont get it that clean.. anyways, what sweeping exercizes do you practice? :p
lol gueno, if you didnt want to be rude, you didnt need to swear- or even post

besides everyone else in this thread enjoys watching other peoples attempts at bodom

Ill probably try TDE soon, got a lot of work to do atm though

but possibly TDE, FTR and MAYBE downfall in the 2 weeks or so