OT: Frets on Fire - The art of the guitar keyboard


Everybody dies alone
Oct 10, 2003
Tallahassee, Florida
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Found this from the somethingawful forums:



Basically the game is like guitar hero, except rather than using a plastic guitar you use your keyboard. You hold the keyboard like the picture above, then use F1 to 5 for the frets and the return key to strum. Or if you don't want to look like a weirdo you can just leave the keyboard on the table and remap the keys. The former is the most fun though.

It's hard to pick up at first but it becomes more natural after a few songs, right now there doesn't seem to be much of a community, from what I gather the game is fairly new so there are only 3 songs so far until people make more.

Screenshots, lifted from the site:



FAQ, again lifted directly from the site:

Q: Some chords don't work.

A: Some keyboard manufactures reduce costs by making some key combinations impossible to press. This is especially true with laptop keyboards and some cheaper PC keyboards. The solution is to change the keys to different ones. For example, swapping the Enter key with Shift should help a lot, or changing the frets to i.e. numbers 1-5. Use the key tester in the settings menu to check your chosen key set.
Q: The sound crackles.

A: Increase your audio buffer size or change to 22050 Hz sampling frequency. You can do this from the Audio Settings.
Q: The colors look ugly on my ATI video card.

A: Don't use tweaked drivers (e.g. Omega Drivers) that reduce the color depth to 16 bits.
Q: I can't hit those notes!

A: You either need to practice more or adjust the A/V delay option in the audio settings. Try increasing or decreasing the delay by 50 and seeing if it helps.
Q: I can't see my scores on the world charts.

A: You need to enable score uploading in the settings menu first.
Q: No matter what I do, I get lousy scores.

A: Sell your gear.

Website: http://louhi.kempele.fi/~skyostil/uv/fretsonfire/
Windows Download (32 mb): http://louhi.kempele.fi/~skyostil/uv/fretsonfire/dist/FretsOnFire-1.0.184-win32.zip

EDIT: Btw, that sounds an awful lot like Malmsteen in the tutorial.

Hopefully some of the musicians here can make some Symphony X chops to shred. Though I couldn't imagine Inferno on hard level O_O
Why don't people just buy a guitar instead and try to play it. What is the point in trying to make guitar sounds with the keyboard.
I have some good news and some bad nes

the good news.. FUCK IT RULES! SO FUCKING FUN! and those songs are KICKASS (apart from that bang bang man one, but it has a cool solo, the other 2 totally rule though) - VERY fun.. and easy to pickup.. im a guitar player myself so can familiarise myself with it quite a bit.. not sure how it will go with non-guitar players or musicians... should be good fun though and\or a bit of a learning curve..

the bad news.. in that tutorial that is on DIRECT rip off of adam02's videos on myspace of yngwie\petrucci etc.... with the voice over and how fast he can play and how it kills people and how im your new god etc..... extreme ripoff of that, he says the exact same things.... other than that though...

the game rocks. get it. highly recommend. extremely fun.
turke said:
Why don't people just buy a guitar instead and try to play it. What is the point in trying to make guitar sounds with the keyboard.

Because it's an extremely fun video game that you can play for free and don't need to spend months learning how to use?