Video of Evile recording PANTERA's "Cemetery Gates"

^That is still the higest scream I've ever heard, right next to Dissident Aggressor by Judas Priest.
It can be a little annoying after a while but at least they didn't use Freight Train. Batio's tone in that song is so god damn awful.


Jesus Christ... that was just... no words can explain. Perfect. Surpassed my expectations hugely, and I had high expectations as it was. Matt can really fucking sing!! After this I'd have to say Matt is one of my favourite vocalists ever, possibly second only to Mr mid-eighties to early-nineties Hetfield. :kickass: I'd love to see some of these more melodic vocals incorporated into Evile's music, if it would work, cause damn. Very impressed. :goggly:
I put it playing and was doing some random shit while I was playing and I was like WTF? I put the wrong track playing. But yeah, have to say Im very suprised how amzing Matt's singing is on this track. Slower and more melody parts I mean.
I've seen live versions of both Machine Head doing Fucking Hostile and Biohazard doing Mouth for War on Y/T a few days ago - pretty good I thought.