Video of performances


New Metal Member
Aug 28, 2003
I noticed there were 2 cameras filming the performances. Is there any way to get a copy of one of the tapes?
go to glenns house and steal them :-)

Glenn would have to get releases from every single record label involved to do a release of any kind.

He has said before that a video release will not happen unless somone is willing to back the release, whihc would be exensive and difficult
even a limited # of copies will still be expensive, but with the right sponsors backing it, it could be a possibility.. my opinion (from some experience at this) is that it would be cheaper to do a few songs from each artist than the complete show, granted you won't satisfy everyone to get their favorite tunes, but small steps lead to big ones.

Pre ordering would be an option as well with sponsors. Or perhaps limiting the # produced to actual tickets/GBs purchased for the show. It might be a pricey DVD, but I for one would say it's worth the bucks.

But one day as PP and Glenn keep gaining popularity and and a general feeling of "best event in USA", "best guy to work for/with", "best fans"... maybe some bands will start recording live or filming their own stuff for release.

How many of you would pass up the chance to pack the floor for ANY band that Glenn gets to perform if you knew they were going to record/film live??

It's very cool to be able to watcha DVD and see a show or song and know that you were there.
I was at Progfest 1994 and there was no problem recording and video taping the shows...could things really have changed in 9 years? I mean I can see if we are talking about lables like Atlantic, Polydor, Capital, etc but guys come on now the number one thing here is that we promote these bands and what better way to do it by having access to the awesome shows.

I can see some issues with some people selling the stuff on ebay or what not but making the video or even a compilation available (kind of like the PP CD) would be great.

I am sure the bands will probably get copies of the performance (at least their own) but man us starving fans want some of this stuff too! :) I am sure this will probably fall on deaf ears but if any of the record labels are checking out the boards try and consider us fans as well...after all we are the ones that support the shows and will continue to do so. Regardless I will always do my best to support the bands and the festivals...videos or not. :)

damn it he should sell tapes of the performances after the Progpowers!! I would LOVE to have a copy of this concert. Especially becuase at times I was never close enough to the stage. Although my bonoculars helped at times!! I want a recording!! Ill pay for it damn it!!!! Name your price!! But please...not over 30 dollars. >.< Im a poor college student!!
Demonspell said:
It's a well known secret that Progpower is professionally filmed

Oddly enough, I noticed there were signs on some of the doors (maybe all, I don't know, some of them were always open when I passed) that warned the attendees that the concert is being filmed and by entering the arena we agree to have our images on the video if it were ever to be sold. I wonder why that wasn't well-known considering the legalities of it all (afterall, they were required to post at least one sign I'm sure..)
