Video release from a band I recorded...


Giggity Geschmougen
Oct 31, 2007
Video release from a band I recorded... (Trash Candy)
I thought some of you guys might like them 'coz they are kinda Paramore-ish! :)


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Yeah the autotune is too obvious in some spots. There's some intentional autotune effects I believe but would have worked better with a more transparent tuning.
Production is good and the video looks really professional. Music is not my cup of tea.
Tnx gus for listening!

The Autotune is meant to be heard in some parts...the band wanted it that way! :)
wow, the music is really crap :D as well as the content of the vid.. but the production is cool (sound & video). congratz, dude
haha...nobody digs it :D ... but hey tnx for the kind words about the production! :)