Videos And Live Album


Your Coldness
Sep 7, 2002
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I'm just wondering if there is any Amon Amarth video(s)
I'd love to see how the music would fit with a viking battle.
Any chance to have one in the coming future ?

How about a live album too?
Hey Thorlock NICE DESTROYER 666 Album cover there..... For some reason though they have the "O" with the two dots on it in Europe but they dont here in Australia where they're from. I went to primary school and High school with the drummer on that album ahahahahah!

Also they have plenty of live videos out there! go to there u can buy the 2000 video with AA on it! KILLER VIDEO!!! Also i have about 3 hours of footage of AA and trust me ITS KILLER!!!!
Originally posted by PaganBlood
Hey Thorlock NICE DESTROYER 666 Album cover there..... For some reason though they have the "O" with the two dots on it in Europe but they dont here in Australia where they're from. I went to primary school and High school with the drummer on that album ahahahahah!

Fuck yeah! Deströyer (or Destroyer :D ) 666 kicks ASS!
Ive always had this great Idea for an Amon Amarth video, where its the band, in armor, playing- amongst a legion of Vikings, (not always playing) mainly on a dragonship at sea during a storm, Johan cranking out the growls... lanterns lit about the ship, fully decked in some armor, and then on the battlefield, against christian peasants, warriors... kings?.. and completely berzerker with battle axes and cross-hiltless swords, blood, dirt, rain & Metal... untill the ground is littered with the corpses of the christians, and we see a silhouette shot of the band marching off the battlefield in slow-motion, as the town burns through the storm, blood leaking through the water.

Wow that felt good to get out :)
I've always wanted to see a Pantera-style homevideo with lots of drinking, gigging and crazy shit like food contests etc.

Ivan, if they play in Poland (which I've heard they will) are you going to see them?