Videos on Signed Character cd

Misanthrope said:
How about the facts that vhs
a) looks like crap
b) damages the content each time you watch it

And don't forget compatibility ;)
Not every one has those ancient relics called VCRs lying
around and my computer doesn't seem to take VHS.
But everyone does have a computer, well, everyone who
would complain about this stuff here that is.
Salamurhaaja said:
And don't forget compatibility ;)
Not every one has those ancient relics called VCRs lying
around and my computer doesn't seem to take VHS.
hey dont say that
my family has 3 videorecorders and just 1 tv
I think a lot of people has them still
but now the dvd has pusged them all into oblivion
and by the way whos buying a videorecorder today????
everyone buys a dvdplayer of recorder if he has the choice

in 5 years the videotapesystem will be some relic of the vhs-glory in the 80s and noone is using it before
it will be a symbol of anachronism saying to watch videotapes. :yell:
hey just bought character(digi-as there was no other in the store)
and checked the videos out.
well these arent so bad as expected BUT who can I stop this nice but boring backgroundsound??? its louder than the music they play and this small resolution isnt very cool
is there a possibilty to watch them without the flashanimated menu??
solefald said:
hey just bought character(digi-as there was no other in the store)
and checked the videos out.
well these arent so bad as expected BUT who can I stop this nice but boring backgroundsound??? its louder than the music they play and this small resolution isnt very cool
is there a possibilty to watch them without the flashanimated menu??

just explore the cd and they are in a folder on it.
The Don said:
This doesn't have to do with the videos (or qt and rp for that matter) but has anyone over here in the USA recieved their signed copies yet?

I have not received my copy yet either...hopefully soon. Anyone else in the USA?
got my LE today. didn't see the live videos yet, but this autoplay stuff doesn't work. the buttons for the videos don't work and there is a big cross in that left field. but i can play them with Video Lan Client.
and why the hell is the Lost To Apathy video shortened? sounds strange to my ears, because i'm eased into the long version ;) and the LTA video looks like 32:9.