ViK Guitars creator is getting publicly reamed right now

to me "gay" and "faggot" is definitively not the same!
a gay is a normal homosexual, no problem about that.

a faggot is an overdramatic guy that's acting like the worst bitch on earth,
a person who is not aware of anything that's happening around them, just them and nothing else. it's pretty hard to tolerate this tbh.
Wow, thread went in a different direction, didn't it.

Why are you guys worried about this shit so much (last three posters)? When i wake up, it's work, guitars, pussy and video games. Not much room left for all this other stuff. I dont go out looking for problems, and usually the weight of the world is on other people's shoulders.

Back in the mid 80's I was in the grocery line with my mommy and I had overheard some people talking and one said the word lesbian. So I loudly asked my mom, "what's a lesbian?" in front of the cashier and the other people in line. Uncomfortable hilarity ensued. I am still that same person. Who cares if it has nada to do with you. Just get back to hating immigrants or something.
English being not my native tongue, I will do my best to express myself clearly, and avoid misunderstandings.
Everyday on Facebook, I can see tons of violent islamophobic statements, verbal abuses and invitations of murder against muslims (and now against christians too) but apparently, it's ok. Homophobic statements are NOT cool at all and homophobic aggressions even less of course but it seems that these few cases are trendy enough to make big headlines. Sad to notice that ethic and good sense are just a "fashion phenomenon" for many people.
Talking shit about others is just one's way of avoiding any introspective enlightenment. Don't wanna risk that! Sooo much negativity out there. Sad really. Why does everyone need to be labeled? I'd rather not give to much attention to ignorant people and their comments. Eventually those kind of folks will find themselves old and alone.
Makes me wonder who's gay on this forum.
A serious question. Not that it would change my view or anything.
Makes me wonder who's gay on this forum.
A serious question. Not that it would change my view or anything.

Is this important for you? Really? I personally don't give a shit of sexual life of other people especially here where we talk about music production! Ahah!
Another winning post from Plend-Plenda-Pl- oh, forget it.

If you're worrying about that shit, you've got mental problems.
Nope, I do not care at all, I'm just curious and some people like to open up a little when given the opportunity.
Uh oh.

Actually, when I read Misha's post, I thought that the claim was suspect as fuck. Coming out and saying "I don't like gays" is one thing - as twatty as it is - but coming out and saying "If you don't agree with me and support my viewpoint, you will not get the product you paid for" is a fucking UNIVERSE of extra cuntiness. I'm not really buying it tbh, I'd be wanting to see proof before chewing that piece of bait.

Doesn't mean what Vik originally said was defensible - it wasn't - but on this minor point, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.