Viking Rap, yes you read right, Viking Rap.


Child of Decadence
Dec 31, 2002
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If Vikings did Freestyle Rap...
By my friend Mike, a bigtime A.A. convert as of late, get a guy to buy a Falkenbach album... and this happens.

(Mike wants you guys to have his AIM SN for feedback)
(SN: Amon Amuff)

Fuckin up your village - niggaz make a clammer, smack your bitch in the face with thors good war hammer

what what nigga?

boats set sail ans arrows fly, viking niggaz get ill like odins one good eye. gettin bitches and gold - shit doesn't get old, goin through fjords - shit gets cold...

play on playa OH DAYUM! (aka: damn -end notation)

Chillin' in my 'hood
Christians up to no good
So I pick up my axe like a real nigga should.
Ya'll niggas can't front on how real this is
Comin' at they necks like a Fenris- Wolf
niggaz get shook
My life, my pride, it's viking!, nigga- ...and we could fuck up pirates!

(Oh yeah... by the way, this is called a Joke, we have them in America... not to be taken seriously, just for shits and giggles folks)
hehe it's quite bisarre but still pretty funny :)
we can only hope ganstah-rappers wont contaminate topics like this... let them take care about the bitches and goldchains ;)
Hahah...I like the Viking Niggaz part, that was fucking funny. All hail the Northern Pinewood/Racoon Ghettos!!!
dude... that was the most retarded, infantile, piece of shit I have ever read.... what can I say I LOVE IT!!!! \m/ \m/
MEN WILL FIGHT AND MEN WILL DIE, WARS WILL BE LOST AND WON.... but please never attempt to integrate Amon Amarth and gangsta' rap again... I no longer have any clean pants... oh wait... I didnt have clean pants to begin with... oh well