Man, read Tomasz post and you will understand. Did you watch 60/60 this week? They had an interview with JayZ, guess what he said? he has an empire of rap and enternaiment valued at over 100 million dollars and guess what he said? 80% of the people buying this are white suburban kids...... get it, his concerts promote his thugs new singers/bands and his concerts are 70% filled with white kids? all this music is being bought by the middle-rich white american class suburban kids who have no clue of what it is to have it rough in the hood....... (same story with Eminem) I was also watching the same report on C-Span about pop culture with african americans. The report said the same thing, white folks are embrassing the black culture, acting rap, talking rap,.... while the average black folk doesn't even listen to that music. Thus said, rap is the last thing that should belong on a "metal" forum. It is already hard enough to go outside and not hear this shit everywhere, sadly enough it had to appear on this board. Say what you want but Tomasz post said it all. I could bet money and say that over 1/2 the kids on this forum won't be listening to DM/BM when they reach their 30's or even mid 20's for that matter. Rap today is a joke for white kids and it works wonders. I can just sit in my car and not stop laughin at the 18yo kid and his rap. This rap culture is all about showing off, yr car, yr clothes, pimpin' husslin' ... I could bet money that JayZ, Eminem and the horde of husslers are talented businessmen and are lauging at the white kids all the way to the bank. They are the Metalicca version of the hood, sellouts that black folks don't buy for that reason, they know better. That was my rambling for the day, some people just don't get it, regardless if this rap thread was supposed to be funny or not.Pyaemia said:It seems to me that hating rap as turn into the typical "need to think that way when you listen to metal". I dont hate rap AT ALL... I dont like it either! So you dont like rap because you think the lyrics and music stinks!?