Vile black metal


Oct 21, 2003
War for Territory
I'm looking for some black metal bands who play totaly twisted, sickening and deranged metal. I need to find something that will make my guts wrench and make me choke on my own vomit from one listen. Any suggestions?
Twisted, sickening and deranged is something I more associate with death metal.

Nattefrost - Blood and Vomit
Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God
Anaath Nathrakh - The Codex Necro
Genocide Kommando - Black Metal Supremacy
Von and Antaeus are the only bands I am certain would turn a person into a deranged serial killer if listened to too much. Deathspell Omega and Anaal Nathrakh are probably OK also, but VON and Antaeus takes the price.
Worm-Infested Intestinal Tract, if you enjoy the new DO album (I guess you do from your avatar), check out the Swedish scene of orthodox satanic bands (such as Watain, Funeral Mist, Malign, Ondskapt and so on) if you haven't already. Ondskapt - Droco Mihi Sit Dux (I think that's the correct title) is a truly excellent album.
Cheers. Abruptum are alright... pretty mongrelized music. I'm in the process of checking out Von, Antaeus, Deathspell Omega and Belketre.
I hope you get hit by a car on the way home from work, or wherever you were tonight. Black metal is not about being twisted, sick or vile. People like you give black metal a bad name. Die...
Hah, thats a bit extreme dont you think? I dont listen to this shit all the time. I know what black metal is about. This is just something I feel like listening to, but didnt know of any bands.
Yeah it is extreem, but I'm drunk and in a milatent mood, so this guys gonna get it. People who listen to metal for the "sickness" "vileness" exclusivly do not deserve the music though, ask me any day of the year and ill say the same...
I listen to it because of the imagery it induces. Mindscapes of insanity and darkness are just moody as fuck, and are thoughrouly enjoyable for the subconsious.
Gory Elephant said:
Agreed. There is only one album that you need to get. Beherit, "The oath of black blood."

about as sick and nasty as it gets.

Nah. The Oath... is unnecessary. Drawing Down The Moon is what you really want.