VINCENT CAVANAGH bought me a birthday kebab today

Maqus said:
Hm, I really thought he meant the peace-making. People can't be figured out over the internet, much less than otherwise.
I doubt he was serious about his peace offer. Even if he was: Offending someone for no reason and then expecting the other person to just forget about everything is both naive and shameless.
Btw, we've met outside the internet before, and obviously he's just as "un-figurable" in real life as he is online.
snow2fall said:
I doubt he was serious about his peace offer. Even if he was: Offending someone for no reason and then expecting the other person to just forget about everything is both naive and shameless.
Btw, we've met outside the internet before, and obviously he's just as "un-figurable" in real life as he is online.
hey the rest of the world forgave germany for world war 2 in no time, that surely buys mischievous mehdi some e-forgivness :yell: . if VINCENT CAVANAGH will share a kebab with mehdi then it behoves us all to look into our hearts and see is there not a soft spot we can find for a cheeky little arab scamp :Saint:
Maqus said:
Maybe he's not stalking enough. Maybe he's really scum, who could tell? hmmm
mehdi isn't scum.

ah since i'll forget to tell you mehdi: liz might be in berlin that same period, but remind me to tell more about it in two weeks :wave:
bleed_black_orchid said:
ooh ooh harshness here.. I personally think Mehdi to be the best Algerian, French english speaking individual I have ever been fortunate to e-converse with.
Lucky you then. I personally don't enjoy being called a nazi or townbike or slut or anything like that for no reason. Call it over-sensitivity if you like, but there's limits, even if someone's "just playing". As soon as you see that someone's feeling seriously offended by your "jokes", you should just cut it and maybe look for someone else to play with.
I'm not keen on e-wars or anything like that, but I'm not responsible for all this crap. It was someone else who started it.


snow2fall said:
I doubt he was serious about his peace offer. Even if he was: Offending someone for no reason and then expecting the other person to just forget about everything is both naive and shameless.
Btw, we've met outside the internet before, and obviously he's just as "un-figurable" in real life as he is online.
wrong! wrong! and wrong again!:)