vintersorg album

The new album of Vintersorg, called "Visions From The Spiral Generator" is in the production stage at the moment and will be released in May or June. What does it sound like? That's for you to decide. How does it sound is what I can answer, the songs are great! Don't miss this one, there's something in it for everyone who's a fan of metal and great, innovative, creative music.
we have to complete two things before it can be released, first the mastering of it, and it'll happen this week at Masterhuset in Oslo(Norway) and then the booklet layout, which are under construction right now(Asgeir Mickelson are in charge of it)

how does it sound? well......for me it's very hard to describe it in just brief terms, it's a very vast album in several aspect i think, first it reaches over many genres, and it have a kind of progressive approach which is fully to understand after a coupple of listenings(well, i don't know if i understand it completly myself..hehe) and it's based upon alot of contrasts, between harsh and soft, cold&warm, earthly&unearthly, science&spirituality, harmonious&chaotic,....etc..

I think you just have to experience it, at least i can't give it justice in words.....

-mr V
Well, that's all we're waiting for... I've never heard to an album that is so 'deep', I think...

BTW, lately, I have not heard any album that really kinda 'touched' me, that made me really love that music, last ones were the first two from Rhapsody (yes, that was really original) and Death's 'Sound...', from what I can remember now...

This album really promises...