Vintersorg and RESISTANCE

This is somewhat of a continuation of my last post about Borknagars lyrical meanings and my question about racialism or being "pro-European".

I am a racialist and often i frequent I have noticed some of Vintersorg's older albums are on this site to purchase. RESISTANCE is of course owned by the National Alliance which is considered by its opponents, such as the Anti Defamation League or the Southern Poverty Law Center, to be America's leading pro-White organization.

This record company as a whole is only known to make about one million or so a year from sales. So im assuming having Vintersorgs albums on there isnt for the mere sake of publicity or money.....catch my drift?

C'mon...tell me what I want to hear!!! LOL

Please don't be gay and delete this post from the board!!! Thanks!
Hehe, this is really old "news", and Mr.V has explained about this before.

This has nothing to do with Vintersorg nor Borknagar, if such websites and organizations choose to offer Vintersorg albums for sale, I can see no problem with that. It's their misinterpretation that is to blame for this.
As far as I know bands can't bar vendors they don't like from selling their albums. But, I believe it to be a negative thing to be assosciated with such organizations.
It is downright ignorant to think that national-romanticism has anything to do with racism/nazism/fascism.

ps Vintersorg has his own forum here on UM.
this has come up before in the vintersorg forum - i think many places believe he is a nationalist because his older works were mainly about nature (well, they still are in a sense, but . . . . you know ;) ).

and as erik said "It is downright ignorant to think that national-romanticism has anything to do with racism/nazism/fascism."
alas they do it anyway though - hence why many places like that carry vintersorg!
ShredLasVegas said:
This is somewhat of a continuation of my last post about Borknagars lyrical meanings and my question about racialism or being "pro-European".

I am a racialist and often i frequent I have noticed some of Vintersorg's older albums are on this site to purchase. RESISTANCE is of course owned by the National Alliance which is considered by its opponents, such as the Anti Defamation League or the Southern Poverty Law Center, to be America's leading pro-White organization.

This record company as a whole is only known to make about one million or so a year from sales. So im assuming having Vintersorgs albums on there isnt for the mere sake of publicity or money.....catch my drift?

C'mon...tell me what I want to hear!!! LOL

Please don't be gay and delete this post from the board!!! Thanks! I've said several time regarding this..they've bought albums from local distributors and sell it on their site...Napalm isn't involved in that process...we don't have any political or religious agenda, we're just giving our view upon man in relation with nature and science.
Racism or racialism really has nothing to do with national romanticism. As far as "race" really goes, there are only a few thousand years' difference between an Aryan Indian or Persian and a Scandinavian. As far as national romanticism, the difference between a Norwegian and a German is quite large. In the end, however, we all shit brown so it doesn't really matter.
Borknagar is not a band with a political nor religious aganda. Though, it's important for me to state that we profoundly decline any relations to right-wing, facist- or nazi- organisations. We cannot control who buy/sells our record, but we urge people to respect and not to misuse our name.

Personally speaking. I am disgusted and provoked by the way some nazi-related organisations use symbols and elements from the Northern Mythology. It's a major misunderstanding, among some people, that Northern Mythology/Åsatru has anything to do with such hateful ideologies! There is nothing in common between NM/Åsatru and facicm/nacism!
Øystein G. Brun said:
Personally speaking. I am disgusted and provoked by the way some nazi-related organisations use symbols and elements from the Northern Mythology. It's a major misunderstanding, among some people, that Northern Mythology/Åsatru has anything to do with such hateful ideologies! There is nothing in common between NM/Åsatru and facicm/nacism!

Excellent point! I being an Asatruar here in America I am trying my best to educate people on Sunna's Wheel, the Runes and the other symbols that were stolen by these jackbooted niðlings. I actually just had a run in with a bunch on a forum that was supposedly for folkish Asatru but was just a spawning ground for hate! It's sad that we who honor the old ways have to not only worry about those on the outside but people from the inside as well!
Using ancient Nordic or European symbols is really just practical. Symbols ae about evoking emotion and representing an idea and it would make no sense to use any other symbols than the swastika, the life rune, thor or odinist symbols, etc. Thier appeal to tradition and thier actual meanings relate to what we preach quite well.

There is an Asatru group called the Ulfhethnar Kindred and it is only for Whites. Sub-Saharan Africans can practice thier own spookey religions and so can the Chinese or whoever the hell else wants to. Culture is a product of race, not the other way around. Having other races adopt a culture that is not a product of thier own is destructive to the other other race's true culture.

As for hate...of course we hate just like everyone else does. Hate and love are to sides of the same coin. If you fervently hate your enemies and wish only for thier destruction, you also passionatley love your own and wish for thier survival and advancement. Anything else is suicidal.

Vintersorg and every other person on this board should ask themselves these questions:

Does the sharing of White tehnology help or hinder White culture when the white birthrate is so low that it is almost below replacement level and the blacks and mestizos of the world have a birthrate of about 4:1?

Will your Asatru religions, Nordic culture and Western Civilization (White civilization) prosper with other cultures and races multiplying exponentially and integrating into your societies?

If the Japanese can have a country all to themselves, the Jews a country all to themselves, why is it so hatefull for Whites to want to protect and preserve a people and land of thier own?

Why is it that in Israel only Jews can become full citizens while in America they preach "love thy neighbor" and "accept thy brother" to Whites through thier dictatorial ownership of Hollywood and all the major news resources and even our colleges which are in many many cases no longer schools of truth and free inquisition, but liberal breeding grounds? Look it up, research it, it is irrefuable that Jews have a monopoly on these things and decide what is said and when.

Why arent these major problems addressed?

Western civilization is built upon the foundation of science, truth, justice and began in ancient Greek times up until the founders of the constitution and great men like Abraham Lincoln (who by the way, wasn't too fond of non-Whites). Post World War two events such as the "Civil Rights Movement" and school and public integration have degraded Western Civilization and it is now on the verge of being totally obliterated. Whites are a minority in the world already, a very small minority. By 2050, we will be a minority in the land our forfathers have built for us, the U.S.A, as well as in Europe do to open border policies, capitalism, and Zionism (Jewish Supremacism).

By that time folks, do you really think the non-Whites of the world will be as lenient with us as we are with them? NO!

Hate laws prohibiting free speech are already in place in Canada and Europe, and they are close to being made a reality in the good old US of A. White nationalists, racialist will be grouped up with the likes of Al Queada(spelling?) or other terrorist groups that form becasue of thier hatred for AMericas pro-Israel policies.

Patriot Act II anyone? Have you even read about these things? They are quite important and have a great deal to do with your future unless you intend to just sit around and watch TV and drink beer and watch football games doing as your told like a good little lemming.

You wont have time for Nordic religions, music or anything nationalistic by then. Groups such as the National Alliance or the World Church of the Creator have an agenda to save such things however, yet you have the arrogance and ignorance to slander them as hate groups. It's really a value contradiction.

Lastly, if you believe in science and are a morally sane person, you also must accept the fact that eugenics and racial upgrading is the only way to ensure that future generations will be smarter, stronger and healthier than the previous.

Ive said my piece. Thank you.
You seem to be way too preoccupied with race. The term race means nothing anymore because there is no such thing as a pure race in this day and age. Humans have been around for far too long and have cross-bred for thousands of years. Anyone using that term to me has listened to too much venom spewed forth by the niðlings that have stolen the Nordic symbols for hate and supremacy. I am a folkish heathen/Asatruar. Folkish means that all people on this earth have an indigenous folkway based on their ancestry. The Indo-Europeans had their idigenous folkway that evolved into the Northern European known as Asatru. No other folkway is better or worse than others. I encourage all people to seek out their ancestral folkway to know their true identity. All people on this earth should have pride in their ancestry...without whom they would not be in existance. I honor my ancestors. I am neither superior or inferior to any other group of people.

You keep saying white and "spooky sub-saharan religion"....that shows me that you have no respect for the thousands of indigenous folkways that have come up through history. Your post spews anger, hatred and superiority. That kind of talk is seriously deliterious to our folk. I have been going through this now for a week. I keep seeing more and more talk like this and it bothers me. Why? Because it is these thugs...these trolls that get the attention and brand all of us who practice the traditions of our folkway. And it is people like you who has given the PC left the ammunition to brand us all. You said your piece and I find it vile and full of hate. I think I can speak for every one else here who continues to keep the frið; you can take your hate filled speech elsewhere.

I hope the mods will close this thread before this jackbooted thug defiles this otherwise peaceful forum with more garbage!
To ShredLasVegas...
(As a white person with blond hair) I really couldn't care less if the white race disapears. The people of this world are mixing and there's nothing you can do to stop it, it's only natural this will happen. Same thing as earths genes will one day mix with alien genes.
while it is only a matter of time before all of earths inhabitants are completely the same" race" in a sense - what i find more scary is the values that some cultures have that are growing far too fast - not because they are different but because they are harmful to all things around them. and im sure many of you can think of which cultures these are. then only other thing im worried about is my country (america) going further into the pit of ludicrous crap that it is already heading for.

what will the aliens we breed with look like ^_^ ?
ShredLasVegas said:
Using ancient Nordic or European symbols is really just practical. Symbols ae about evoking emotion and representing an idea and it would make no sense to use any other symbols than the swastika, the life rune, thor or odinist symbols, etc. Thier appeal to tradition and thier actual meanings relate to what we preach quite well.

There is an Asatru group called the Ulfhethnar Kindred and it is only for Whites. Sub-Saharan Africans can practice thier own spookey religions and so can the Chinese or whoever the hell else wants to. Culture is a product of race, not the other way around. Having other races adopt a culture that is not a product of thier own is destructive to the other other race's true culture.

As for hate...of course we hate just like everyone else does. Hate and love are to sides of the same coin. If you fervently hate your enemies and wish only for thier destruction, you also passionatley love your own and wish for thier survival and advancement. Anything else is suicidal.

Vintersorg and every other person on this board should ask themselves these questions:

Does the sharing of White tehnology help or hinder White culture when the white birthrate is so low that it is almost below replacement level and the blacks and mestizos of the world have a birthrate of about 4:1?

Will your Asatru religions, Nordic culture and Western Civilization (White civilization) prosper with other cultures and races multiplying exponentially and integrating into your societies?

If the Japanese can have a country all to themselves, the Jews a country all to themselves, why is it so hatefull for Whites to want to protect and preserve a people and land of thier own?

Why is it that in Israel only Jews can become full citizens while in America they preach "love thy neighbor" and "accept thy brother" to Whites through thier dictatorial ownership of Hollywood and all the major news resources and even our colleges which are in many many cases no longer schools of truth and free inquisition, but liberal breeding grounds? Look it up, research it, it is irrefuable that Jews have a monopoly on these things and decide what is said and when.

Why arent these major problems addressed?

Western civilization is built upon the foundation of science, truth, justice and began in ancient Greek times up until the founders of the constitution and great men like Abraham Lincoln (who by the way, wasn't too fond of non-Whites). Post World War two events such as the "Civil Rights Movement" and school and public integration have degraded Western Civilization and it is now on the verge of being totally obliterated. Whites are a minority in the world already, a very small minority. By 2050, we will be a minority in the land our forfathers have built for us, the U.S.A, as well as in Europe do to open border policies, capitalism, and Zionism (Jewish Supremacism).

By that time folks, do you really think the non-Whites of the world will be as lenient with us as we are with them? NO!

Hate laws prohibiting free speech are already in place in Canada and Europe, and they are close to being made a reality in the good old US of A. White nationalists, racialist will be grouped up with the likes of Al Queada(spelling?) or other terrorist groups that form becasue of thier hatred for AMericas pro-Israel policies.

Patriot Act II anyone? Have you even read about these things? They are quite important and have a great deal to do with your future unless you intend to just sit around and watch TV and drink beer and watch football games doing as your told like a good little lemming.

You wont have time for Nordic religions, music or anything nationalistic by then. Groups such as the National Alliance or the World Church of the Creator have an agenda to save such things however, yet you have the arrogance and ignorance to slander them as hate groups. It's really a value contradiction.

Lastly, if you believe in science and are a morally sane person, you also must accept the fact that eugenics and racial upgrading is the only way to ensure that future generations will be smarter, stronger and healthier than the previous.

Ive said my piece. Thank you.
There are several lovely examples of post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacies here. The statement that culture results from race, or that the decline of western civilization is the result of desegregation are examples of these. Neither is provable, nor are they likely.
Well, I am a white person (not a blonde though). I do not agree with the racist opinions expressed here and I must remind you that hate only breeds hate. To hate someone due to his/her color justifies him/her to hate you etc. Also, the reason for the western civilization to ascent is not because of the skin color. Not all the discoveries were made by white colored people. For instance, the concept of "zero" came to the European minds from India through interactions with Islamic empire. Also, one of the most important things that made the jump in technology is to shift to Arabic numerals. Roman numerals did not allow complex mathematical calculations due to its irregular behavior. When it comes to the practical applications, gunpowder was invented by Chinese. The most important reason for a rich and prosperous western civilization today is that Europeans liked to travel far and wide and they were lucky enough to find Maya Civilization waiting for "White Gods" from the east.

In a nutshell, all I am trying to say is hate is not a value that you would like to be proud of and cherish.

Good luck.
alperozt said:
For instance, the concept of "zero" came to the European minds from India through interactions with Islamic empire (...) When it comes to the practical applications, gunpowder was invented by Chinese.

So on one side we've got the "concept" of a number, and pretty fireworks. And on the white European side there's... nuclear physics, the internal combustion engine, flight, super-sonic flight, space travel, most modern farming and food preservation techniques, nearly all forms of modern medical care, the "concept" of Democracy, Women's Rights, Centralized Government... oh what else... the "concept" of state-issued money... oh yeah, THE MICROCHIP, one of the single most important inventions of the last millenium...

Haha... and White Europeans were the first peoples of the earth ever to officially abolish slavery by state mandate. Africans and Asians, on the other hand, STILL PRACTICE FUCKING SLAVERY!

I'm not even a racist. But this 'white people didn't invent everything' stuff is ridiculous. YES THEY DID.
Originally posted by ShredLasVegas:
There is an Asatru group called the Ulfhethnar Kindred and it is only for Whites. Sub-Saharan Africans can practice thier own spookey religions and so can the Chinese or whoever the hell else wants to. Culture is a product of race, not the other way around. Having other races adopt a culture that is not a product of thier own is destructive to the other other race's true culture.

If you actually believe this, then stay the **** away from my culture. Mine. Not yours. As you say other "races" should not interfere with other "races'" cultures. You are not nordic, so you should stay away from the Asetro of Scandinavia. Of course I do not believe this, but if you do, you should live by it.

I am against all right-wing, fascist and nazi movements so your viewpoints make no sense to me, and I do not appreciate you trying to link it to music that I appreciate and know is not racialistic in any way.

Hold dig fra MIN nordiske arv!
The Grimace said:
So on one side we've got the "concept" of a number, and pretty fireworks. And on the white European side there's... nuclear physics, the internal combustion engine, flight, super-sonic flight, space travel, most modern farming and food preservation techniques, nearly all forms of modern medical care, the "concept" of Democracy, Women's Rights, Centralized Government... oh what else... the "concept" of state-issued money... oh yeah, THE MICROCHIP, one of the single most important inventions of the last millenium...

Haha... and White Europeans were the first peoples of the earth ever to officially abolish slavery by state mandate. Africans and Asians, on the other hand, STILL PRACTICE FUCKING SLAVERY!

I'm not even a racist. But this 'white people didn't invent everything' stuff is ridiculous. YES THEY DID.

You didn't get what I meant. You were stuck on concept of zero, but you don't get the importance of it. Anyhow, that wasn't even a part of my point. Of course most of the things that we practically use and see around us today are the result of post-Rennassaince European science and research. However, there are certain things that must accepted. Nobody solely started and created one thing as of today. While pre-Rennassaince Europe was heavily under the influence of the Church and while people are inquisitioned for their opinions about earth being round and being revolving around sun, rest of the todays "uncivilized" world was trying to measure the diameter of the earth. Anyway, some of the things that you mention in your statement is incorrect or inaccurate but I will not go into that.

In my previous post, I only intended to point out the fact that, you cannot judge people because of their skin color, ethnicity or geographical location. You cannot brand them because of their culture (that you don't even understand) nor you can call them names (stupid, idiot etc).

If you think otherwise, where's something for you: "You think swastikas is cool, but when the 4th Reich comes, you'll be the first one to go..."


Of course most of the things that we practically use and see around us today are the result of post-Rennassaince European science and research.

Thank you.

alperozt said:
You didn't get what I meant. You were stuck on concept of zero, but you don't get the importance of it.

I understood completely. Problem is, one cannot 'invent' a concept of thought in the same way one 'invents' a concept of practicality, such as farming or something like that. One can only be the first person to write it down, or in the case of the Indo/Muslim "0", be falsely credited by "historians" for first writing it down. A blatant bit of, to use a term from my old days, Anti-White Propaganda. Lucky that such an 'important concept' cannot be factually credited or even traced back to it's roots by any possible means, thereby preventing anyone from challenging the story. But, in my and many other's humble opinion, since 'Zero' is based in a state of absolute neutrality, I'd say it's a concept most likely first embraced by early Europeans. Ancient pre-Christian Euro religions were among the first in the world to both accept and preach "purgatory" as 'the closest state to total negation of life and reality that a spirit or body can rest in', and even the other religions such as Buddhism that embrace the concept of neutrality still place more emphasis on 'constant movement of life', things like reincarnation, 'life energy', etc. Whereas near-Eastern religions and cultures, as is quite obvious in Judeo-Christianity and Islam, have a particular affinity for painting purgatory as an active punishment, one of extreme displeasure or at least a conscious state of unrest. And if you're crediting the concept to the peoples of the pre-monotheistic Near-East, they had just as extensive of a cultural influence on the early Indo-Europeans as on the nations and cultures that would form in their post-polytheistic lands, if not moreso, and therefore no argument can be made either way.

It would take another 10 paragraphs to bring this point back around to itself, but you should already see where I'm going with this.

Anyway, some of the things that you mention in your statement is incorrect or inaccurate but I will not go into that.

Then I wonder. Why is Solefald recommended on the norwegian nazi organization vigrid's homepage? Just them stupid vigrid folk's misunderstanding something?
Solefald don't seem very nazi to me!

It's even more strange that solstafir is also recommended on Vigrid's homepage. And on Solstafir's homepage there is a link to the solefald home page and to Potentiam's home page. On Potentiam's homepage Solefald's and Solstafir's pages are also linked. :confused: