Vintersorg on P3

Did you request 'Quotation'?:D

Sorry, I couldn't resist.:p

Actually, I had requested Vintersorg a long time ago on the show, but at the time they never had any.
One of the DJs recently picked up VOTSG aaand played not Quotation... actually, my memory is hazy, I have no idea what he played now... OH DEAR GOODNESS I'M NOT A DEDICATED FAN ANYMORE :cry:

(actually I think it was A Metaphysical Drama )
A couple years ago I had a extreme metal program in a local radio (here in Chile). When VFTSG comes out I get it inmediately and I made a Vintersorg special of 2 and half hours (a lot :headbang: ), playing songs of all the albums at the date... some Borknagar songs (From Empiricism: The Genuine Pulse, Gods Of My World and Inherit the Earth) and Otyg songs (Trollslottet, Fjällstorm, I Trollberg Och Skog, Nar Älvädrottingen Kröns and Otygets Tid) with news, some funny stuff... and another things... a lot of people called to the station saying the band was amazing but no one knew it... just 2 guys called asking for Vintersorg songs...

I got in some tapes some sessions of that radio program... to work in a radio station is very funny and cool!
if any of you know that TERRIBLE show "Pimp my Ride" on MTV, they had a clip of a Vintersorg song on the show one time for about 10 seconds. They must just aquire playing rights to random songs and play them without even checking! It was the one time I happened to see the show too, which was weird!
if any of you know that TERRIBLE show "Pimp my Ride" on MTV, they had a clip of a Vintersorg song on the show one time for about 10 seconds.
Sadly I do know what show you're talking about. Do you have any idea which song it was? I'm having a hard time seeing how they would fit the music in unless it was some mountain man's jeep or something.