Vintersorg - photos uploaded...

Twilightheart said:
Better late than never:
I now finally uploaded 30 photos of Vintersorg of Summerbreeze 2004 to (as I have my webspace back). :)
Go to "pictures" section or to "Summerbreeze 2004 - various bands" (and click on picture to enlarge... but you know that...).

Or try this direct link (I hope it works) >

I agree... Those are amongst the best live-photos I've seen from a Vintersorg-gig in a long time...
iAMtheblackwizards said:
does anyone else find this picture as funny as i do?
its like he planned having that picture taken months in advance for some magazine shoot. haha
Ahaha... you are mean! ;) Isn´t it nice of him to "pose" for the photographers cameras? I enjoy that... that`s our Mr.V! :) And I noticed, he looks into EACH camera (of EACH photographer) at least ONCE during the gig (every photographers own fault, if he/she doesn´t catch that moment :D ).
I uploaded a full report (including photos) of Summerbreeze 04 to ("festivalreports") > for the moment it´s interesting for the Germans only (english version will follow), but you anyway know, that I write only GOOD things about Mr.V's performance! ;)
Here´s a link to the most important photo you "need" to see (and don`t know yet, as it´s added only to the Summerbreeze report so far) from the autograph session:


(I´ll let you know, as soon as new Vintersorg photos are online... I still have loooots at home from the past years! :) )
Gaunerin said:
if only SB 2004 had not been as wet as it was :(
and I'm happy I didn't spot this guy backstage who was piercing himself :ill:

Where? (the place of the piercing itself, not where on the area it took place)

-Andreas (wants to roll around in filth! Eeehm, ignore that.)
Phyros said:
Where? (the place of the piercing itself, not where on the area it took place)

on the pic in that report: through his cheek. no idea what else he did. and I don't want to know either.
go to page 3 of the festival report and scroll down if you want to see. I'd post the pic but I'm in a (Swedish :grin: ) public internet place and right klick is disabled so I cannot figure out what the location of the pic is.