Viper review and the mis-adventures of J.v.M

Oct 23, 2012
Southern California
Disclaimer: If you frequent Hollywood a lot, this review will most likely be old news or very boring to you. Save yourself and hit the back arrow. Kinda for people who have never been.

For once, I left early for Hollywood because parking is a pain in the ass when it's past 8:00 and I got a new ride so I wanted to put it thru its paces up in the hills. No problem, parked in the Viper Room lot after the hill drive and had 1 1/2 hours for some eats. Walked down to a resturant / bar called the State Social House. Got an outside table next to the sidewalk, Moscow Mule...check. Salmon pizza, never had that...sounds somewhat healthy, ok. Unless you like sushi, I dont recommend it as the fish is raw and its like chewing a slimey eel or something. Every four or five minutes on Sunset, a tour bus ( van with the center roof and windows cut out) rolls by. Why anyone rides these things is beyond me, it's like the log ride except boring with no steep hills ( unless it goes off Moholland drive ).

From my left on the sidewalk I hear "do you have a light?". An older gentleman asking me this. I gave up smoking in high school but my table had two small candles in these little frosted glass tube like glass things. I said "sure buddy, I got you covered" So I handed it down to him, took another swig off the drink and he hands it back to me with a dejected look and walks off. I got a better look at the candle...LED light, no real flame. The damn things even flicker! Sorry buddy, next time I'll bring the zippo.

Then out of nowhere, these two kids appear with hoodies selling candy bars inside the place, scurring around like Jawas until the bartender chased them out. Finished my raw pizza, only 7:30. The Coffee Bean across the street, time for a cup of joe. I sit outside on the patio and watch with morbid fasination some dude at the crosswalk pressing one of those buttons that beep...non-stop for like a minute or two. What's sad is I started tapping my foot in time, then the light changed and my concert was over. "Can I get a photo with you?" came from behind me. I turned around and there was some lady standing there with her phone out. "Sure", I stood up and she stood next to me and snapped a couple. Then it got even stranger..."Could you sign this for me?" She gave me a coffee sleeve thing, and a pen. By now some of the other customers are looking at me. Have you had something happen to you in slow motion, car wreck, football hitting you in the head? I had one of those moments, and thought if I dont sign it, her and the others there will think i'm an ass ( which I am ), or if I do sign it, she will blurt out "Who is Johann von Marck?". Screw it, I asked her name and signed it. Then scenario three happened, she thanked me and left. Wow. At least she didn't ask me for a light. Just for the record, I don't look like anyone famous.

8:00, time for Viper. Walk on over to the front door facing the street, looking forward to another drink at this point...pull on the door handle. Locked!?! Google said open from 8 am to 2 am? Ah, an intercom next to the door. Cool, just like a speak easy from prohibition days! I hit the button, and hope I didn't need a pass word...nothing. Damn. Maybe its loud in there, hit it again, still locked. Hit it a few more times ( now i'm the guy at the cross walk with the button ), finally they open and tell me not till 8:30.

I go to the side, and start talking to the parking lot attendant, an elderly gentleman. Never judge a book by its cover, this guy used to work at a high end resturant back in the day that fed all the heavy hitters from the 40's and 50's! Ive always been into metal, and I'm a 40's freak and this guy had some cool stories about Dean Martin, Fred Astare, Ginger Rogers ( she did all those crazy dances with Fred, except she did it backwards), etc. Awesome.

Time to go in. I've never been to the viper room, I expected something different. It's somewhat small, kinda plain. Maybe it changed from the 90's, I couldnt figure out the draw or why it's the place to be. I have to say, my experience with the staff there was totally cool. Everyone was really friendly and didnt have to wait long for a drink. I was amazed at the steep staircase that led up to the upper bar / stage. If youre tanked up, I suggest the door out to the street next to the stage.

Frayed Ends. Good covers, especially Tornado of Souls. Some of the other songs had some improvised solos which was cool. Guitars need to be lounder in my opinion for their set.

Gypsy Hawk. Only saw one video from them, so I wasn't too familiar with them...Awesome. Killer sound, cool original songs and a music lesson all in one. Always thought "let it ride" was by the Doobie Bros.

At this time, I have to mention a mistake I made. I forgot to turn off my bumbling, drink spilling, drunk-magnet. Way more than usual, they gravitated to me for some reason. Maybe they wanted my autograph? If they could have shouted "play some skinnard man!", that would have been killer. Truth be said, I really like the chaos, so no prob. To make the night even weird-er, this chick standing at my 2 o'clock was an exact clone of my ex-girlfriend...I mean exact. I almost asked her if she turned over a new leaf and was now into metal. Reminded me how beautiful she was, but that train has set sail.

Iron Maidens. Aces High started things off, which I really like. Gets the blood pumping with images of Spitfires and BF109's hauling ass. First time I got to hear them play Rime. That was very cool, thanks. Then, I thought I had finally evaded the devil during number of the beast, but then he appeared late in the song and I had to high tail it to the bathroom and lock myself in out of fear. Then, the fabled apperance of Thor's Hammer! Thor's Hammer is my name for the green Jackson, because it crushes everything. Rad. I've tried to figure out why it sounds so good and strong, and my scientific - professional conclusion is that some sort of magic / spells are involved. Killer show, never a dull time.

Thats my attempt at a review, if you were bored I did warn you.

This is Johann signing off.