Virgin Steele Question


Sep 22, 2005
I don't have any of their albums and I would like to get a few to start out my collection. So I am asking for suggestions on what albums to start with since they have quite a few of them. Thanks for the help ahead of time.
The early stuff with Jack Starr...l think up to Guardians of the Flame...past that buy Manowar albums. And get Jack Starr's Burning Starr plus his latest release in 2003 Jack Starr's Guardians of the Flame "Under a Savage Sky".
Obviously Ascension isn't a big fan. They have a compilation called Hymns To Victory that spans most of their older albums, which would be a good place to start. If you're dead set against compilations for some reason I'm partial to Invictus.
Others will suggest The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, or The House of Atreus albums. I've also seen recommendations for Noble Savage... all good IMO.
The newest album has some good songs, but is a bit different than the others in the way it's mixed. They keys are very prominent which is a bit of a distraction for me.
Check out that other thread, but the quickie version:

Marriage of Heaven & Hell Pt 1

Those are usually considered two of their top albums, and probably their most accessable and consistent.

The next two would be:
Age of Consent
House of Atreus Part II

Try those out first.

Steve in Philly
Thanks for the suggestions and the link to the other post. I will definitely pick up a few of these albums. Got to prepare for my third ProgPower!!! Maybe the next one, I will meet some of the posters on here.