Virus lyrics in odd places


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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I despise breakfast radio, so I have my alarm clock tuned to an independent station that doesn't bore me with sports results or inane chatter about the comperes' personal lives :puke:.

When it switched on at six o'clock this morning, they were playing a loooonnng spoken word piece with music in the background that featured some guy not-quite-talking and not-quite-rapping about America being a third world country without anyone realising it.

When he got to the third verse, he launched into something about rape of the mind as a social disorder, the cynics, the apathy, oneupmanship order and so forth. He got through the entire song before I woke up properly and realised what he was saying! Anyone else heard this?

Why is it called a spoken word piece? Its just some guy talking :confused:

Is what I am doing now a typing word piece?
Originally posted by spawn
Why is it called a spoken word piece? Its just some guy talking :confused:

Is what I am doing now a typing word piece?


You're a funny man, Spawney!