Vision Divine- Amazing Live....

Let me preface this by saying that I don't know the validity of the following one way or the other; it is simply what I was told. I received an e-mail from someone associated with the Vision Divine camp who told me that they were interested in playing PP IV, expressed their interest (to who- i don't know), and never heard back from anyone. Knowing Glenn, I'm sure there must have been some type of miscommunication as I am sure he would not just ignore a bands attempt to possibly play his show. Hopefully things will be different next year.
Dolamite S. Biffle said:
Bryan I just searched around and Michele has another band called Heaven. So check them out if you are a fan of his.
If anyone wants to check out an mp3 from Michelle Luppi's Heaven disc it can be found at Click on mp3 and it should be listed there. It sounded pretty good, but I think the disc is more melodic hard rock than metal. Still, the guy has a great voice, and it may be of interest to several people on this board.

If they wanted to play PPIV I can see why Glenn didn't respond. A million bands of similar or better quality.

THe last album is the one that made them special. Prior to Stream of Conciousness I can't see how they'd be on anyone's short list.
nightwish58 said:
Let me preface this by saying that I don't know the validity of the following one way or the other; it is simply what I was told. I received an e-mail from someone associated with the Vision Divine camp who told me that they were interested in playing PP IV, expressed their interest (to who- i don't know), and never heard back from anyone. Knowing Glenn, I'm sure there must have been some type of miscommunication as I am sure he would not just ignore a bands attempt to possibly play his show. Hopefully things will be different next year.

It's true to a certain extent. They submitted material just like about 50 other European bands that year. I essentially have the same policy as most record labels. I give the band submission instructions and contact them if I have further interest. I don't have the time to send a "thanks anway" letter to every band that submits a promo package. However, I always reply to any band that specifically requests to be notified of my decision.

There are a ton of talented bands that I would love to have on the roster. However, with only 10 slots, it's tough to make the cut given the budet I have to work with.

Glenn H.
adaher said:
If they wanted to play PPIV I can see why Glenn didn't respond. A million bands of similar or better quality.

THe last album is the one that made them special. Prior to Stream of Conciousness I can't see how they'd be on anyone's short list.

No argument from me.

Glenn H.
I'll just add a "me too" to this thread - Stream of Consciousness is great, mostly because of the singer imo, and I'd love to see them at ProgPower.

That dvd is definitely going on my "to buy" list.
Harvester said:
It's true to a certain extent. They submitted material just like about 50 other European bands that year. I essentially have the same policy as most record labels. I give the band submission instructions and contact them if I have further interest. I don't have the time to send a "thanks anway" letter to every band that submits a promo package. However, I always reply to any band that specifically requests to be notified of my decision.

There are a ton of talented bands that I would love to have on the roster. However, with only 10 slots, it's tough to make the cut given the budet I have to work with.

Glenn H.

Makes sense; I just hope they will give it a shot once again this year!
Question about the DVD, it says "PAL AREA 0 format" does this mean it will play on most if not all USA DVD players? Since so many people seem to have it, I would think the answer would be yes, but I don't buy too many DVDs, so I"m too sure.

Thanx in advance.

Nightmare1z said:
No, PAL will play on your computer DVD drive, but most US DVD players only play NTSC format.

well, guess I'll just have to wait until they release it in regular NTSC format then.
I do truly believe that Michele Puli breathed a stronger fire into Vision Divine. Yeah, the first album was traditional Olaf songwriting ala "Return To Heaven Denied" era stuff, but it just wasn't ready. I blame it on the vocals. I dunno why, but I just can't get into Fabio's voice. Something about it I can't get into. Kinda why I'm not a huge Rhapsody fan (and I'm prolly missing out big time because of it! ).

But this latest disc goes beyond the singing, beyond the sound quality or guitar tone, or sound effects... it's the songs. They have some truly anthemic, throw-your-fist-in-the-air, chanting the lyrics along kinda songs that would kick my ass live. "We Are We Are Not" is most certainly one of them. "Colors Of My World" is catchy as all hell... it's like a song made of heroin! The last song "Identities" is a beautiful, beautiful way to end a spectacular concept album. "La Vita Fugge".... I wish my band could write a song as powerful as that! WOW do I wish I could scream as well as that! That's easily the most challenging song I've tried to sing along to since SymX's "The Wicked".

But if VD came to PP before SoC, I'd be MIA looking for MD 20/20.

Now they're easily in my top 3 NEED TO SEE list.

I will be buying their new album and DVD quite soon.