Vital Remains- Dechristianize

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
All I can say is WOW!!!
This CD is god damn amazing. It's super melodic as hell, but super death metal too! It's like listening to old In Flames for the awesome melodies, but on super death metal heroin.

Fucking A...i'm only on the 3rd track right now(there's only 1 song on the album under 6 minutes too!) and it's blown my mind so much. I've been told track 4 is the best song too, so it will only get better from where I am now.

Check this shit out folks. Amazing stuff.
Metalskater7, you should dig this for sure.
DCA was ok...I wouldn't say best. Dechristianize just kills everything though, the intro just amazing how it leads into the first song....LET THE KILLING BEGIN!!! Fucking killer stuff.
Hell yeah dude, I started a thread about it or something a while back, it's a fucking great cd. The drummer is amazing and the drums sound good to me, I like the "tin can" sound, what bothers me is the guitars are kinda low in the mix in some places but it's all good, great music and Benton is brutal! Track 4 is good, personally I like 2 and 9 best.
Yah, it's an alright release, i do enjoy dechristianize

"Washing away, all filth of righteousness... engulfing the fucking trinity"

hahahaha :kickass: fuckin hell yes

even though i am a christian.

anyone think it's odd that i like so much fucking death metal and satan worshipping shit?
Erm it's a band that's been going since the early 90's and they have Glenn Benton doing vocals on the new album. I'm pretty sure it's only two guys who wrote and recorded the album which makes it that much more impressive. I read in an interview that they were worried about touring because Benton was so busy with Deicide so yeah I guess you could call it a side project for Benton.