Viva emptiness artwork

Actually, I jumped the gun, and most of that was not supposed to be up yet...
I am having it removed until the future...If you've already seen it, ok, but please do not pass it around yet. Thanks.

Check for the official art updates.

dun dun dun...

anywho looking at the front cover reminds me of the Paris bootleg cover...well thats actualy the first thing that came to my mind when i saw it.

who's the guy that done it again??? (the bootleg cover that is.)
Originally posted by Seems like Trav
Actually, I jumped the gun, and most of that was not supposed to be up yet...
I am having it removed until the future...If you've already seen it, ok, but please do not pass it around yet. Thanks.

Check for the official art updates.


Sorry then, I thought it was some official stuff...:s