Viva Emptiness jewel case


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
I was just wondering if there's any story behind the writing inside the Viva Emptiness jewelcase, under the cd when you take it out?

It's kind of weird, kind of funny... I was just wondering if there's a story behind it.
Yes everyone knows this. :p

It's an msn/icq/AIM conversation or something similar. Just there for laughs. Though I'm sure Varg- could fit it in his concept.
DeepInMisery said:
Jesse Haff(moderator of this forum and drummer in Daylight Dies) said he was the one that had that conversation.

With who did he have it?
It was pretty funny... when I read it I immediately got the impression that Anders must have been involved, it sounds like his kind of thing :P
The interview Jonas did at explained it. He said not only was it just for fun but it is a good example of a completely shallow, bullshit conversation; something katatonia obviously is against. you know, an example of the emptiness in viva emptiness.
plus its a funny joke...