Viva la Bands 2


New Metal Member
Jun 9, 2006
So i was listening Radio Bam yesterday and they were speaking about how Placebo and Clutch recorded songs for the upcoming Viva La Bands CD. Bam also said that Children of Bodom is doing it aswell for this album. He said the album should come out in 2-3 months.

So i would like to know if anyone knows more about this or heard of it.
Well they were on the first one already so, guess you should do -2000 then :p
I don't think that will happen. They [CoB] probably have more than enough work coming up with the songs for the next album. I find it hard to believe, that they'd go through the extra trouble of making a completely new song because of some half-assed collection album.

What I could see happening is, that they'll give one of their new tracks (made for the new album) to be used on Viva La Bands, but it will also be on the new album. But that's not same as recording a song only FOR the collection.

Well, we'll see...
So i was listening Radio Bam yesterday and they were speaking about how Placebo and Clutch recorded songs for the upcoming Viva La Bands CD. Bam also said that Children of Bodom is doing it aswell for this album. He said the album should come out in 2-3 months.

So i would like to know if anyone knows more about this or heard of it.

-infinity to you

for listening to whatever that is

Oh my your so pro! GZ...

Immature people what the fuck does it matter to you that i listen to Radio Bam? one of the reasons is that i like CKY and the movies bam does. Yes his recent MTV stuff is crappy but meh it makes him money.

Lanegan665 said:
Cheers. Bam is a whiney, immature little brat. People paying attention to him only furthers the untruth that he matters.

Whiney or not for someone who lived a cross a shit factory, he has gotten far.
Bam mite be a HIM-sucking pussy fag now... BUT back in the day when he was in and doing the CKY movies, those were some of the most hilarious things I will ever see!! ... And his best friend Brandon Dicamillo is still the funniest man ALIVE!
Eh, Bam's not bad. I like watching the show sometimes and listening to the radio show. Some of it is interesting.
Bam mite be a HIM-sucking pussy fag now... BUT back in the day when he was in and doing the CKY movies, those were some of the most hilarious things I will ever see!! ... And his best friend Brandon Dicamillo is still the funniest man ALIVE!

Yup another reason to watch/listen his stuff is Dico, Dico is a fucking genius. CKY movies was where he was great at his movies he does outside of MTV are good aswell. It's basically MTV who forces him in to those corny shows :p