VoA drops from Sonata Tour, rips Finberg


I had heard the rumblings of this guy over the years on many a different discussion board and social media, yet I still bought tickets for tours he "managed".... just to see the bands we can't hardly see over here. I feel dirtier now than I did when I pushed the "buy" button. Hope for recovery to all those that have been damaged by this piece of shit.
I saw the initial blowback yesterday, but I didn't make time for the full article until this morning when the_metalmaiden mentioned EnterTheVault. Thankfully I only ever bought tickets from him a few times, but...damn I regret those in hindsight now. I'm pretty divorced from industry workings, especially since this board mostly shriveled (thanks facebook), so I had no idea the dude was a massive creep or I never would have bought from him in the first place.