Vocal carnage

Corey Taylor sucks, so do you sulphric. Do the world a favor and get out of music, run far away from it, then lock yourself in a room and cry with the rest of the slipknot fans.
Last year I got really good with harsh vocals. Takes about eight months maybe to sound good....or it did for me. But if you're not doing them regularly, you lose it. But now I'm classically trained with clean singing and I have absolutely no interest in doing harsh vocals. Ever.
Hah. If you're doing your harsh vocals correctly, they shouldn't interfere with your clean signing at all. Especially with proper breath control, methinks.
I don't think I agree at all. Regardless of how you're breathing correctly or whatever, the fact remains is that you're putting many times the stress on your voice that would be there during normal singing.
amonamarth10 said:
Corey Taylor sucks, so do you sulphric. Do the world a favor and get out of music, run far away from it, then lock yourself in a room and cry with the rest of the slipknot fans.
suck me dry......................