backing vocal tracks?

If I wanted to hear the damned CD, I'd stay home. If you can't come close to reproducing it live, I'd rather you didn't even try.


Quoted for Truth.

This is why Circus Maximus is one of the best bands to ever grace the PP stage! As far as I can tell, they don't pipe in any pre-recorded vocals and still manage to sound spot on!


Also QFT.

By the way...wasn't there a discussion a while back that there is some sort of harmonizing effect that can be used with a microphone? I think this came up regarding the Pyramaze set at PPVII.
Thank god. As an aside, I don't mind a little "extra" here and there, but some bands (not necessarily at PP, just in general) take this to the extreme. If I wanted to hear the damned CD, I'd stay home. If you can't come close to reproducing it live, I'd rather you didn't even try.


I both agree and disagree with you. That is to say I have mixed feelings about it. While I don't expect studio sound at a live show, some bands could reproduce their songs live, but it would take up to a TSO sized production to do it.

Unfortunately, that's completely impractical when they're over here doing a club tour as a support act or even a headliner. I suspect that when Therion did it in 2005 only their fee for ProgPower made it monitarily viable. After their 2007 attempt they called it quits for US tours. One can hardly blame them as there is no way to make money supporting 15 people for weeks on the road while playng to audiences of less than 100 in many cases.

So, here is the conundrum: Would you prefer to see a band with prerecorded track augmentation, or would you rather never have the opportunity to see them live at all?