Vocal Compression


New Metal Member
Apr 20, 2008
I'm the singer for a death metal band and i'd like to add a compressor to my live rig I'm trying to decide between a rack mounted and pedal unit. I've read that the rack mounted units need constant adjustment during performences. Is this true?
the pedal unit i've been looking at is the tc helicon correct pedal. Has anyone ever used one of these?
I want to get somthing for my pa rig. distressor is way out of my price range. but i've been think rack mount would be the way to go myself. I know very little about compressers or pro audio in general i'm looking for a unit thats user friendly. I've seen dbx and alesis units in my price range though. I'll look into one of these.
Get two of the Alesis dual channel compressors. Put the vocals, kick drum and snare through them ( you've got a spare channel! cool! ).

The rack units don't need to be adjusted, as long as your performance is consistent.
I was wondering about that myself. Honestly I think what I read about them needing adjustment was on the sales pitch for for the tc helicon pedal, so take with a grain of salt I guess.
Are the alesis compressor pretty good?

I'm mostly going to be useing it for my live rig, not for recording. My problem right now is... I said we're a death metal band earlier on the thread but really I'd say we're closer to maybe a Blackened Doom if that makes any sense. On some songs I go from black metal screams to a goth/doom vocal and on a couple songs they really need a volume boost on the quieter stuff i'm hoping an outboard compresser will solve my problem.

also I recently switched from using an shure sm58 to the beta58
and I'm having soom problems with it. My goth/doom vocal sound amazing on the beta but my heavier vocal sound better with my sm58. Theres kind of a "windy" quality to the growls and screams know it's not a huge deal but I'd like to solve the problem without changeing back to the sm58 if possible because i love the way I sound on the cleaner stuff. Is it just a mic handling issue? or is there somthing I can do to solve this with a procceser, maybe the extra compressor channel if I get the two alessis compressers???
I used to be a vocalist and used a cheap rack compressor gate.
Realy easy to set up.
Scream turn the threashold up until the red dots are near the top and as long as you scream the same level all night the jobs a throb.

But im no expert