vocal layering question?


Aug 24, 2009
Hicktown New York.
how do you guys generally handle a part where there are two different lines being sung at the same time, for example in the song I'm working on the chorus repeats but the vocalist wanted add a line over the original chorus and have the original kind of in the background

I was thinking for the original chorus maybe and telephone effect on the original and maybe since I double tracked pan each take 75 left and right respectively? then have the new line doubled and centered as usual?
I would do it the same... but instead of telephone effect I'd just cut 3kHz area to push the original chorus more to background... maybe also cut highs and blend in more reverb...
It really depends on the song. What is the chorus like?
For example for a slower dark sounding chorus I would automate the original chorus to be lower in volume and get more reverb and delay, so you get a kinda 'ghosty' feel. But I also like your attempt, it's more for a midtempo and/or melodious chorus though.

So, what's the chorus like? Sound example would be nice.
Also: just try and do what sounds good, so be creative ~~
Your original plan seems pretty spot on. I've even done 100% L/R... whatever you gotta to do get it the fuck out of the way, you know?
I double track bkgvox and pan em out and send more to verb and let the dominant line ride the middle.

that's normally what I do too, but there really are no rules, play with panning like a little kid with Legos and see what comes up. Also, cutting out some 2-3Khz on the vocals supposed to be in the background is a good standard piece of advice