Vocal Microphones and their Vocal counterpart!


Obsessed with Gear
Jan 16, 2008
in my mind
I wasnt sure how to title this..can you tell? lol

Ok so due to my last "weakest link" thread, several of you have recommended in me investing in a high quality LDC. (thank you all, btw)

I know that every microphone excels at something different. Some are versatile and cover everything exceptionally well, and some are good only for one type of vocal or instrument.

Due to the fact that I dont have allot of cash, and buying a new mic means no returns (due to health and legal stuff). Is there some kind of chart that explains what mics are good for what instruments, and excell at what vocal ranges/types (male, female, bass, soprano, ect)?

I'm specifically looking for a chart geared towards mics and their ability to capture vocal ranges/types but any other info regarding their ability to capture certain instruments would be great too.

Thanks everyone! :kickass:
I know very little about mic shootouts or whatever you wanna call it. But here's my 0.2 in terms of clean vocals - If the singer (male) has a tight lower end, smooth and subtle lower mid range, and versatile and smooth higher mids and highs, some people might wanna choose a SM58 + a good pre + fuckin amazing room over many other expensive mics - even condensers. Yeh, male - unless is James Labrie.