Vocal potential?


Jul 15, 2005
Well, my 95% Ambience EP has been pretty well received, so now I'm working on something more vocally orientated...I have no formal vocal training whatsover, but does this track have any potential in terms of vocal delivery? (What do you think of it overall? Is it enjoyable to listen to?) Do you have any tips on improving both clean and dirty vocal techniqes? Thanks a lot in advance!

As I close my eyes,
I draw my final breath.
Will we ever embrace,
On the wintry landscapes of Death?

A fire burns,
Deep inside my tired soul.
Worthless desires.
I will die alone.

I wouldn't be surprized if most people could do it, it's a very simple tune, but I just had to get it down musically :)

Thanks a lot for the feedback, really appreciate it.
not bad.....kind of catchy actually.....I would tone down the effects on the harsh vocals....just to give us a little bit of a chance to catch what your saying.......listen to it in the raw....without effects on it at all....then youll know how you sound.....better yet...post it in the raw....

cool shit though....wish I was a little more motivated to write.....haha....if I could I would post some of my old band......we were good....but Im just a PC idiot.....