Hi Neil:
Struggling mightily with vocals lately and wondering if you could talk about general settings you might use. I tend to use mostly upper range vocals (think Geoff Tate/Rob Halford/Bruce Dickinson), but most of my vocals come out sounding thin and brittle instead of thick and smooth if that makes any sense. My chain is Studio Projects C1 into ART Pro MPA (swapped stock tubes for Mullards if i remember correctly) into my DAW (Cubase) via my EMU 0404 card. Not the greatest path, but should be able to get something respectable. Anyhow, no matter what I throw on there I just can't get that fat, smooth sound that I'm aiming for, especially on the higher ranges. Any suggestions on where to start (verb/delay/compression/eq settings)? I know that so much depends on the vocal and I'd gladly post or send a 30 second clip to give you an example (or you can hear some earlier work on my homepage at johnnylokke.com in the player).
I know you are busy so if you don't have time that's fine, just thought I would ask. I'll be in Chicago for business in August, maybe I can bribe you with a Grover's special delivery!
Struggling mightily with vocals lately and wondering if you could talk about general settings you might use. I tend to use mostly upper range vocals (think Geoff Tate/Rob Halford/Bruce Dickinson), but most of my vocals come out sounding thin and brittle instead of thick and smooth if that makes any sense. My chain is Studio Projects C1 into ART Pro MPA (swapped stock tubes for Mullards if i remember correctly) into my DAW (Cubase) via my EMU 0404 card. Not the greatest path, but should be able to get something respectable. Anyhow, no matter what I throw on there I just can't get that fat, smooth sound that I'm aiming for, especially on the higher ranges. Any suggestions on where to start (verb/delay/compression/eq settings)? I know that so much depends on the vocal and I'd gladly post or send a 30 second clip to give you an example (or you can hear some earlier work on my homepage at johnnylokke.com in the player).
I know you are busy so if you don't have time that's fine, just thought I would ask. I'll be in Chicago for business in August, maybe I can bribe you with a Grover's special delivery!