Vocal/Solo Delays - Mono or Stereo?


Mar 24, 2007
Fife, Scotland
Been having a think lately about delays and reverbs for guitar solo's and vocals, normally I'm doing about 200-250ms stereo, but I change one side to be slightly longer/shorter. After all there's no point in doing a stereo delay if both sides are the same. I sometimes stick it through a reverb aswell.

Got me thinking, what's everyone else doing delay wise? Maybe everyone else is just running it mono? Adding chorus maybe? I know some guys compress their delays/verbs. Not something I've done yet so I might have to try that soon.

Share your delay and reverb techniques people!
I use a stereo reverb mostly, sometimes delay (also stereo). Not too wide though, so the vocals are still sitting in the middle and upfront.
The "ping pong" delay effect is really cool, so yeah I also like to use different delay times for the sides.
I tried using a chorus once but it sounded pretty unnatural. In the end it was only veeery little chorus left but it had a cool vibe to it imho.

Honestly the vocals are kinda hard for me to mix right. I always feel like there's not that much I can do - they either sound good or they don't :D
Do you insert the delay into the Vocal track or insert it on a Auxiliar track?? ( then sent the vocal signal to the Aux track by a Bus?? )

Sorry if is a stupid question!
U usually have a mono delay on lead vocals, but stereo "pingpong" stuff can sound really cool sometimes !

And I use that as an aux send :)
definitely send vocals to an aux track.

Usually use a stereo delay, with one side quarter notes and a bit more prominent and the other side set to either half or eighths (depending on what the song requires). Then I try and match the feedback/repeats so that they finish about the same time and don't sound too ping-pongy, or too prominent down one side.

Then maybe a touch of verb afterwards, but not much.