Vocalist for a serious project needed


Here to learn
Jun 18, 2008
Skövde, Sweden
Me and Sickan here on the forum is doing an important project in school (university), and part of it consists in recording a four song EP, doing everything ourselves.

The genre is djent inspired, with focus on clean vocals. I have prepared a short clip of three different parts for you to listen to here:

Keep in mind that this clip was made superquick and has some copypaste and is just a rough mix to make it listenable. Later on we will be using real amps and everything (now it's just pod farm, to make it easy) and make it sound really pro (part of the project)

You have to be available to record and work from December 2nd.

If you're interested, just post a reply with you singing or contact me via E-mail or MSN: carl(dot]blomqvist[at)gmail(dot)com

Carl, and Sickan.
If there are lyrics I could be interested on it (my lyrics writing skills suck so much you can't even imagine...). I've never sang for any project seriously, although my clean singing is pretty decent (I can send you some bits and pieces from songs anwyay).

Jesus fucking christ why does that ride sound like it's being played with rods? CHANGE IT.

Why would we change anything in a scratch mix : (

There aren't any lyrics atm, but we have the concept and will write the lyrics soon enough.
Felix and Erik, do you have any clips of your singing?
wutzington, sounds nice - I'll have a talk with Carl.
Why would we change anything in a scratch mix : (

There aren't any lyrics atm, but we have the concept and will write the lyrics soon enough.
Felix and Erik, do you have any clips of your singing?
wutzington, sounds nice - I'll have a talk with Carl.

Of course, dude..Just check my Machines & Madness link below.

Or check the Iron Maiden cover I did with Nuno Filipe & co:


Tell me, what ya think.
Im interested. Check my soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/marwutz

This is great. I think you should definately be a part of this project!

I'd be down for this.

Do you have anything we can hear, where you sing?

Tell me, what ya think.

I think your voice don't really fit the music, sorry. Great sining though, really impressed. You sound very like Bruce :)

I don't have anything stellar recorded yet, but you can figure out:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/425433/Dandelium/tema 10 voz.mp3 (min 2:50, all choir voices)

All I hear is mud haha :D sounds like you're singing in a really low octave, no? We're looking for pretty high-pitched singers. Would be nice to hear something where you sing the lead vocals. Improvise something over the clip I linked in the first post :)


Nice to see so many people have replied! Keep 'em coming!
