Sample from a solo project I'm working on (Clean guitars, cool chords)


Here to learn
Jun 18, 2008
Skövde, Sweden
So, now that I've got your attention..

I've been so full of inspiration lately, and I've been thinking of starting some sort of solo project ("play what I feel like-style") and hire in some singers and stuff.

Anyway, here is a sample for you to comment on (music, not mix. Or I'd post it somewhere else)

So what do you think, and would any of you be interested in hearing more of this? :)

(I'll still do it, just want your opinion! :D)

nice guitaring with some really great tonal ideas! Maybe a bit much going on at the same time at places. But then I'm more of a "less is more" kinda guy.

And I would like to hear the rest! It faded out when the METAL was starting :headbang:
Thanks guys!

Yeah, I just made some really "roomy" drums to fit with the clean guitars. And room drums wouldn't sound to good on "the metal" ;)

EDIT: Listening to it today, the drums dont sound THAT roomy... Well, the snare isn't very beautiful anyway. But then, this is a "tracking mix" pretty much.

I have to admit that the end of the clean part is pretty much just ideas recorded on to each other lol. I think it works out okay, but I'll improve it.

Will put the song up when it's ready!
I like it. Gimme more.

Cool! My head and inspiration tells me to make a full-lenght myself, compose/arrange/record/mix/master everything myself (except for vocals, where I will use people I know 50% singing 50% growling or something like that) and just make whatever I feel like. Will most probably be weird stuff and cool time signatures if I'm lucky.
Cool! My head and inspiration tells me to make a full-lenght myself, compose/arrange/record/mix/master everything myself (except for vocals, where I will use people I know 50% singing 50% growling or something like that) and just make whatever I feel like.

I'm working on doing the same thing... except I plan on doing some of the vocals... good luck!
I'd be down for a whole album of the clean ambient/shoegaze-ish stuff like you did in the intro, I dig it!!

There will most likley be more of that!

I'm working on doing the same thing... except I plan on doing some of the vocals... good luck!

Yeah, I might do some vocals, if I feel my voice will fit the song. We'll see what happens. Also, this is a side project because I won't have much time to work with it.. Studying at a University level aswell as working with my band on our deput CD (which needs more writing, recording, mixing, and so on)