Vocalist search in 2000 - any member help??


New Metal Member
Feb 16, 2006
For any of the band members...I meant to post this a LONG time ago...anyway, I read an interview with, maybe, Tyr a few years ago and in there he said that an Irish guy was on the short list of candidates as vocalist in 2000,,,as I am also from Ireland, this made me very curious...
So after further searching. it turns out that this guy was Paul from Arcane Sun (he was quite a respected vocalist in the Irish scene when te band was active). so, I remember that it said on the Borknagar site in 2000 that they were down to 2 final choices...and then Vintersorg was announced. Is it possible that Paul was the other candidate,,,or was it someone completely different. Sorry, but it is kinda cool to think of an Irish guy being so close to joining my fave band....crazy...

OK, onwards....can any of the band fill me in on this?...as in why didnt he get the job in the end (did he even make it as far as a proper rehearsal??)

I ask because /i met Paul recently in Dublin (strangely, he actually lives i oslo now...weird)...he didnt say much apart from Simen was a very tough act to follow and that Vintersorg has an incredible voice...so I am still none the wiser really....
Can anyone help???...was an Irish guy really in the running for the mighty Borknagar???????? PLEASE HELP....I am curious:)...thanks
The fact is that Paul showed interest but we never came to the point of trying him out or anything. Can't remember if it really was two finalists. Andreas was the only one we auditioned (we hired him because he had so long hair...).

BTW - I didn't realize untill now that this Paul guy is Paul Kearns who was supposed to do some tracking in my studio last year. I didn't know he moved to Oslo.

- Asgeir
Yea, Vintersorg is Borknagar's singer, he will do the vocals! Borknagar doesn't have any session members for their recordings right now, their line-up is set.