Vocals and/or lyrics

Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
Hello good people of the carnagian persuation, I have a question for you all: How important is, and how much do you relate to and analyze vocals and lyrics when you listen to music? More or less than guitars or bass, or is that apples/oranges to you? Do you think the lyrics are more important when spat forth from the infernal intestines of a nineteen year old black metal pioneer in 1990 or when chanted by a middle-aged bald fat dude with more life experience but less primal aggression? Do you look at the words spoken, how they are put forth, both or neither? Do you look for deep meanings or is it all to the point internal womb cannibalism? Evolve and discuss!
I definitely have a close look at the lyrics; Sometimes they catch on, sometimes they are more secundary, depending on their quality and the style played of course.

But sometimes a word or phrase delivered in the right tempo and with the right dose of emotion will send shivers down my spine just as a killer riff or melody will.

I mean can anyone be unmoved by someone howling "fire reigns the sky!!"