Lyrics - Important or could you care less?


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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Had a thought today. How important are lyrics to you in terms of music you listen to? Not only metal but other genres? Are there times when you could care less about the lyrics and just love the instrumentation or even times when you think the music sucks ass but the poetry speaks to you in ways you coundn't imagine or would never admit?!?!

I have found myself lately being uninterested in songs that hold no lyrical meaning for me. I don't know if I'm getting old too fast or if it's because of a recent turn of events in my life but I just can't get into some stuff that I used to LOOOOOOOOVE. I won't name any bands or songs cause I don't want an ass thrashing, here. I just wonder if a lot of you all feel the same?

I'm not saying I've burnt out on metal...just certain themes, contexts, etc. What to you all think?!??!
Vocalists are a big part of a band to me just as it is to many others, but the way the vocalists express their words are more important to me than what they are saying. I don't want to say lyrics are completely unimportant, but they aren't as key to me as some other elements of metal music.

to me, lyrics are almost more important than the music. that is what really strikes me as GOOD writing. when a band writes strong, meaningful lyrics. and when its delivered passionately by a great singer, even better. if they have good riffs under it, that tops it off, but that's 3rd priority.
hahaha good topic .... ok I like a Good Vocalist but I Honestly couldnt give 2 shits what the actual lyrics are as long as it "Sounds" good ... I mean do ya think I listen to Death Metal for the insightful lyrical content :loco: .... tho some bands do make the exception Savatage for example :)
Bryant said:
the way the vocalists express their words are more important to me than what they are saying.
I agree with this statement 100%. It's not what's being said, but rather, how they're being said.

However, good lyrics can only help the overall product. Conversely, poor lyrics can only hurt.

For example, with each new My Dying Bride Cd that's released, I anxiously rip open the celophane (sp?) wrapping & jump headfirst into the lyric-sheet. Aaron Stainthorpe is a true renassiance man & poet. His lyrics are the standard by which others bands can only hope to aspire.

In the Woods is another band (or, shall I say "was", as they no longer exist) whose lyrics are head-and-shoulders above the average band. They add depth & substance to already exhilerating music.

On the other hand, silly "getting laid" party lyrics severely detract, water-down, and add idiocy to the music of bands such as Motley Crue, Kiss, etc.
Concerning the Crue, they rock in spite of the cheese.
Bryant said:
but the way the vocalists express their words are more important to me than what they are saying
This is in part very true and for me the best example are death/grind and/or black metal bands in which the vocals are so damn harsh/deep no one can understand shit! What's the point in having lyrics (and moreover printed in the booklet) at all? A bun of grrrrh oooowe, aduadggahd will suffice.

Now regarding lyrics, I don't care much about them except when they are based on hatred/bigotry/racism, there I draw MY line, and I have NO respect whatsoever for those bands and a complete despise.

One I have draw these points I must say that are lyrics that het into your brain and some (catchy or not) make a mark. Also some lyricists are damn witty and their lyrics are worth to be read and even more than to be heard sometimes :grin:

Some lyrics are cheesy as hell, but let's admit they got into our skin.

Summary, lyrics are not the most important thing for me, but surely they sometimes made an impact.
As English is not my first language I more listen to the sound rather than the text of a lyric. But sometimes I really have to get the lyrics too, like old Queensryche, Evergrey and what about the latest Ayreon, lyrics are very important in this one, they even make up let's say half of the power of this album....
I've discussed this subject with a number of my friends over the past few years. For them, the lyrics are very important. I, on the other hand, couldn't care less.

Vocals are VERY important to me, but I don't pay much attention to the lyrics long as it SOUNDS GOOD. In fact, some of the bands I listen to don't even sing in English, but I like them just as much as I would if they were singing in English.

I am a reader and a writer, so when I want to study and be entertained by words, I turn to a good book. With music, I am in it solely for the music itself. And the vocals are just another instrument to me.

There are some exceptions to this rule, of course. Namely in concept albums like Savatage's Streets and the new Ayreon. Those kind of albums I do get into the lyrics eventually, but I usually save that for after I've already studied the music itself (in some cases, 6 months or a year after purchase).

For me, lyrics are the sprinkles on top of the frosting, on top of the cake. I don't even taste them unless I make a conscious effort to pick them off and eat them alone.
tedvanfrehley said:
How important are lyrics to you in terms of music you listen to? Not only metal but other genres? Are there times when you could care less about the lyrics and just love the instrumentation or even times when you think the music sucks ass but the poetry speaks to you in ways you coundn't imagine or would never admit?!?!

I'm much more about music than lyrics. If the vocals have a good melody line or in death metal case good rhythm and interpretation, I don't mind the lyrics. It's always nice to hear some well written lyrics, if not poetic, but I'll still enjoy some great music with dumb lyrics...
Some really have their ways of writing some beautiful and strong lyrics, like Pain Of Salvation, King Diamond, Candlemass, Death (among the best lyrics in metal!), Virgin Steele...
Bryant said:
Vocalists are a big part of a band to me just as it is to many others, but the way the vocalists express their words are more important to me than what they are saying. I don't want to say lyrics are completely unimportant, but they aren't as key to me as some other elements of metal music.

I totally agree. There are some choruses that just get me going, but other than that, it's just a great vocalist.
SoundMaster said:
I agree with this statement 100%. It's not what's being said, but rather, how they're being said.

However, good lyrics can only help the overall product. Conversely, poor lyrics can only hurt.

I agree with you and Vern as well. Lyrics aren't very important to me, but there are a few bands I find the lyrics oustanding on. Some are basic in your face opinionated stuff like Metal Church (Howe era) stuff and some are deep and thought provoking like Vanden Plas. JD feels the same way about Savatage. Queensryche (in their prime) also wrote amazing lyrics.
As far as lyrics about relationships, sex etc. the problem with those topics is that they have simply been over saturated in all forms of music. That's not to say a band can't make a good song using those topics, but I think it takes more ingenuity to pull it off.

Bryant said:
Vocalists are a big part of a band to me just as it is to many others, but the way the vocalists express their words are more important to me than what they are saying. I don't want to say lyrics are completely unimportant, but they aren't as key to me as some other elements of metal music.

Dad, you took the words right outta my mouth!
i've always thought that lyrics are important,but also that certain types of metal define the type of lyrics that need to be written-ratt,poison and crue could easier get away with "party"lyrics simply because of the type of music they were playing,whereas metallica were one i always expected to write more serious and thought provoking lyrics-those from "master" and "justice" for example are brilliant-part of what let me down about post "justice" metallica was what i felt to be the lack of conviction in the lyrical department.maybe thats just me.
lyrics still arnt the overriding factor for me tho,its more about the groove and melody.without good tunes,i wouldnt even bother reading what the lyrics were about.
I agree with most people here. It's all about great music (vocalist included). If a song has great lyrics, that's just a plus. I do enjoy reading well written lyrics, but it's no where near as important as the music.